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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, L, M, S and T

GALIMATIASgalimatias n. Nonsense, gobbledygook.
galimatias n. Confused mixture; hodgepodge.
GALIMATIAS n. (French) nonsensical talk; gibberish.
GLUTAMATESglutamates n. Plural of glutamate.
GLUTAMATE n. a salt of glutamic acid.
GREMOLATASgremolatas n. Plural of gremolata.
GREMOLATA n. (Italian) a colourful, flavorsome garnish, as of chopped parsley, lemon or orange peel etc.
LAMBASTINGlambasting v. Present participle of lambast.
lambasting v. Present participle of lambaste.
lambasting n. A harsh reprimand.
MAGISTRALSmagistrals n. Plural of magistral.
MAGISTRAL n. (obsolete) a preparation devised by a physician for a particular case; not included in the standard pharmacopoeia.
MALIGNANTSmalignants n. Plural of malignant.
MALIGNANT n. a supporter of the royalist cause during the English civil war.
MANGULATESMANGULATE v. (Australian slang) to bend out of shape, mangle.
MARTINGALSmartingals n. Plural of martingal.
MARTINGAL n. a strap from the reins to the girth of a horse preventing it from carrying its head too high, also MARTINGALE.
METRALGIASMETRALGIA n. pain in the uterus.
MISCATALOGmiscatalog v. (Transitive) catalog incorrectly.
MISCATALOG v. to catalog wrongly.
PLASTOGAMYplastogamy n. Synonym of plasmogamy.
PLASTOGAMY n. a process of fusion of the cytoplasm of two cells, the first step in syngamy, also PLASMOGAMY.
STALAGMITEstalagmite n. (Geology) A secondary mineral deposit of calcium carbonate or other mineral, in shapes similar to icicles…
STALAGMITE n. a roughly conical shaped speleothem that rises from the floor of a cave.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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