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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, I, O and 2S

ANALOGISESanalogises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of analogise.
ANALOGISE v. to make an analogy.
ANALOGISMSanalogisms n. Plural of analogism.
ANALOGISM n. the act of analogizing.
ANALOGISTSanalogists n. Plural of analogist.
ANALOGIST n. one who reasons from analogy, or represents by analogy.
ASSONATINGassonating v. Present participle of assonate.
ASSONATE v. to match in a vowel sound.
BAGASSOSISbagassosis n. (Medicine) A pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of dust from sugarcane processing.
BAGASSOSIS n. an industrial disease caused by inhaling bagasse.
COSTALGIASCOSTALGIA n. pain around the chest due to damage to a rib or nerve running below a rib.
GLOSSARIALglossarial adj. Of or pertaining to glosses or to a glossary.
glossarial adj. In the form of a glossary or gloss.
glossarial adj. Containing a glossary.
NOSTALGIASnostalgias n. Plural of nostalgia.
NOSTALGIA n. homesickness; the desire to return to some earlier time in one's life.
OSSIFRAGASossifragas n. Plural of ossifraga.
OSSIFRAGA n. (Latin) the giant fulmar.
PARAGNOSISparagnosis n. Knowledge which can only be gained through extraordinary or supernatural means.
PARAGNOSIS n. knowledge of matters immune to scientific investigation.
SCAGLIOLASscagliolas n. Plural of scagliola.
SCAGLIOLA n. (Italian) a polished imitation marble consisting of ground gypsum bound with glue.
SIALOGRAMSsialograms n. Plural of sialogram.
SIALOGRAM n. an X-ray of the salivary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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