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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, I, 2N and P

CAPTAININGcaptaining v. Present participle of captain.
CAPTAIN v. to lead or command.
CATNAPPINGcatnapping v. Present participle of catnap.
catnapping n. The kidnapping or theft of a cat.
cat-napping v. Present participle of cat-nap.
FRANGIPANEfrangipane n. (Uncountable) A cream made from ground almonds used in confectionery.
frangipane n. (Countable) A pastry filled with this cream.
frangipane n. Alternative form of frangipani (“type of perfume”).
FRANGIPANIfrangipani n. Any of several tropical American shrubs and trees of the genus Plumeria, having fragrant, showy, funnel-shaped…
frangipani n. A perfume obtained from this plant or imitating the odour of its flowers.
frangipani n. Alternative form of frangipane (“cream made from ground almonds; pastry filled with this cream”).
GABAPENTINgabapentin n. (Pharmacology) An anticonvulsant drug C9H17NO2 structurally related to gamma-aminobutyric acid that…
GABAPENTIN n. an antiepileptic drug.
JAPANISINGjapanising v. Present participle of japanise.
Japanising v. Present participle of Japanise.
JAPANISE v. to make Japanese, also JAPANIZE.
JAPANIZINGjapanizing v. Alternative letter-case form of Japanizing.
Japanizing v. Present participle of Japanize.
JAPANIZE v. to make Japanese, also JAPANISE.
MANSCAPINGmanscaping v. Present participle of manscape.
manscaping n. (Neologism) The practice of, or results from, trimming or shaving a male’s hair, typically other than…
man-scaping v. Present participle of man-scape.
PAGANISINGpaganising v. Present participle of paganise.
PAGANISE v. to make irreligious, also PAGANIZE.
PAGANIZINGpaganizing v. Present participle of paganize.
PAGANIZE v. to make irreligious, also PAGANISE.
PAGINATINGpaginating v. Present participle of paginate.
PAGINATE v. to mark with consecutive numbers.
PAGINATIONpagination n. The act of creating pages for a document, book, etc., or determining when to truncate text on the pages.
pagination n. The act of numbering pages for a document, book, etc.
pagination n. (Computing) The separation of data into batches, so that it can be retrieved with a number of smaller requests.
PARAGONINGparagoning v. Present participle of paragon.
PARAGON v. (archaic) to compare, match.
PATINATINGpatinating v. Present participle of patinate.
PATINATE v. to give a patina to, also PATINISE, PATINIZE.
SALPINGIANsalpingian adj. Synonym of salpingeal.
SALPINGIAN adj. of or like the salpinx, the Eustachian tube.
TRAPANNINGtrapanning v. Present participle of trapan.
TRAPAN v. to operate on with a surgical saw, also TREPAN, TREPHINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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