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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, I, M and 2S

ANALOGISMSanalogisms n. Plural of analogism.
ANALOGISM n. the act of analogizing.
FALANGISMSFALANGISM n. membership of the Spanish Fascist party.
GALVANISMSgalvanisms n. Plural of galvanism.
GALVANISM n. the production of an electric current by chemical means, as in a battery.
GARGARISMSgargarisms n. Plural of gargarism.
GARGARISM n. (obsolete) a gargle.
GYMNASIASTgymnasiast n. One who attends the kind of school called a gymnasium.
GYMNASIAST n. a pupil in a gymnasium.
INSTAGRAMSInstagrams n. Plural of Instagram.
Instagrams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Instagram.
INSTAGRAM v. to share (a photograph) using the Instagram application.
KISSAGRAMSkissagrams n. Plural of kissagram.
KISSAGRAM n. a service whereby a kiss is delivered e.g. on someone's birthday by a kissagram girl, also KISSOGRAM.
MAGIANISMSMAGIANISM n. the teachings or philosophy of the magi.
MAGISTRALSmagistrals n. Plural of magistral.
MAGISTRAL n. (obsolete) a preparation devised by a physician for a particular case; not included in the standard pharmacopoeia.
MAGMATISMSMAGMATISM n. the production of magma.
MAINSTAGESmainstages n. Plural of mainstage.
main␣stages n. Plural of main stage.
MAINSTAGE n. the stage of the principal theatre operated by a theatrical company, usually the one on which major works are performed.
MASSACRINGmassacring v. Present participle of massacre.
massacring n. A massacre.
MASSACRE v. to slaughter.
MASSAGISTSmassagists n. Plural of massagist.
MASSAGIST n. a masseur.
MISMANAGESmismanages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mismanage.
MISMANAGE v. to manage wrongly.
SIALOGRAMSsialograms n. Plural of sialogram.
SIALOGRAM n. an X-ray of the salivary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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