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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, I, L, N and Z

ALKALIZINGalkalizing v. Present participle of alkalize.
ALKALIZE v. to convert into an alkali, also ALKALISE, ALKALIFY.
ANALOGIZEDanalogized v. Simple past tense and past participle of analogize.
ANALOGIZE v. to make an analogy, also ANALOGISE.
ANALOGIZESanalogizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of analogize.
ANALOGIZE v. to make an analogy, also ANALOGISE.
ANNALIZINGannalizing v. Present participle of annalize.
ANNALIZE v. to record in annals, also ANNALISE.
BANALIZINGbanalizing v. Present participle of banalize.
BANALIZE v. to make banal, also BANALISE.
CANALIZINGcanalizing v. Present participle of canalize.
CANALIZE v. to dig an artificial waterway through, also CANALISE.
CATALYZINGcatalyzing v. Present participle of catalyze.
CATALYZE v. to act at a catalyst, also CATALYSE.
GALLINAZOSGALLINAZO n. (Spanish) a turkey-buzzard or other vulture.
GALVANIZEDgalvanized adj. Alternative spelling of galvanised (“coated with zinc”).
galvanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of galvanize.
GALVANIZE v. to subject to the action of an electric current, also GALVANISE.
GALVANIZERgalvanizer n. One who, or that which, galvanizes.
GALVANIZER n. a galvanising agent, also GALVANISER.
GALVANIZESgalvanizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of galvanize.
GALVANIZE v. to subject to the action of an electric current, also GALVANISE.
NASALIZINGnasalizing v. Present participle of nasalize.
NASALIZE v. to produce sounds nasally, also NASALISE.
PAPALIZINGpapalizing v. Present participle of papalize.
PAPALIZE v. to render papal, also PAPALISE.
PARALYZINGparalyzing adj. That paralyzes.
paralyzing v. Present participle of paralyze.
PARALYZE v. to render incapable of movement, also PARALYSE.
VAJAZZLINGvajazzling n. (Slang) The practice of decorating a woman’s vulva and/or pubic area with jewels.
vajazzling v. Present participle of vajazzle.
VAJAZZLING n. the practice of adorning the female pubis with glittery spangles.
ZABAGLIONEzabaglione n. A custard-like dessert made with egg yolks, sugar and Marsala wine.
ZABAGLIONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian custard, also ZABAIONE, ZABAJONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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