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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, N, O and 2R

ABERRATIONaberration n. The act of wandering; deviation from truth, moral rectitude; abnormal; divergence from the straight…
aberration n. (Optics) The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one…
aberration n. (Astronomy) A small periodical change of the apparent positions of the stars and other heavenly bodies…
AEROTRAINSaerotrains n. Plural of aerotrain.
AEROTRAIN n. a train driven by an aircraft engine, riding on a cushion of air.
ALTERNATORalternator n. (Electrical engineering) An electric generator which produces alternating current through mechanical means.
ALTERNATOR n. an electric generator for producing alternating current.
AMENORRHEAamenorrhea n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of amenorrhoea.
AMENORRHEA n. abnormal absence or arrest of menstruation, also AMENORRHOEA.
ARRAGONITEarragonite n. Alternative form of aragonite.
ARRAGONITE n. an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARAGONITE.
ARROGANCESarrogances n. Plural of arrogance.
ARROGANCE n. the quality of being arrogant, also ARROGANCY.
CARABINEROcarabinero n. A frontier guard (or similar) in Spain or South America.
CARABINERO n. a member of the Spanish national police force serving as frontier guards.
CARRONADEScarronades n. Plural of carronade.
CARRONADE n. (historical) a short and light maritime cannon of large bore.
ENARRATIONenarration n. (Obsolete) A detailed exposition; relation.
ENARRATION n. (archaic) a detailed exposition.
FORBEARANTforbearant adj. Forbearing.
FORBEARANT adj. (obsolete) forbearing.
MARATHONERmarathoner n. Someone who participates in a marathon or other long-distance races.
MARATHONER n. one who takes part in a marathon.
PRAETORIANpraetorian adj. (Ancient Rome) Of or relating to a praetor.
praetorian adj. (Ancient Rome) Of or relating to the pretorium in an ancient Roman camp.
praetorian adj. (By extension) Corruptly mercenary and venal.
RANSOMWAREransomware n. (Computer security) Malware that holds the data of a computer user for ransom, usually requiring or…
ransomware n. (Computer security, derogatory) Software that is released as open source only in exchange for payment.
RANSOMWARE n. illegal computer software that disables a computer or blocks access to data until a payment is received.
REPARATIONreparation n. (Usually in the plural) A payment of time, effort or money to compensate for past transgression(s).
reparation n. (Archaic) The act of renewing, restoring, etc., or the state of being renewed or repaired.
REPARATION n. a repairing or keeping in repair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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