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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, 2M, R and S

AGROSTEMMAAgrostemma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Caryophyllaceae – the corncockles, apparently originating with grain…
AGROSTEMMA n. a European caryophyllaceous plant, aka corncockle.
AMATEURISMamateurism n. Amateur beliefs and practices generally.
amateurism n. The opinion or conviction that sports ought not to be played for money.
AMATEURISM n. the state of being an amateur.
ANEMOGRAMSanemograms n. Plural of anemogram.
ANEMOGRAM n. a record made by an anemograph, an instrument for measuring the pressure and velocity of wind.
LAMESTREAMlamestream adj. (Slang, derogatory, usually of media) Mainstream.
lame-stream adj. Alternative form of lamestream.
LAMESTREAM n. the traditional media such as newspapers, television and radio, considered by some people as old-fashioned and gullible when compared to online news sources such as blogs.
MAINFRAMESmainframes n. Plural of mainframe.
MAINFRAME n. a large computer serving others.
MAINSTREAMmainstream adj. Used or accepted broadly rather than by small portions of a population or market.
mainstream n. The principal current in a flow, such as a river or flow of air.
mainstream n. (Usually with the) That which is common; the norm.
MARASMUSESmarasmuses n. Plural of marasmus.
MARASMUS n. a wasting away of the body.
MARMALADESmarmalades n. Plural of marmalade.
MARMALADE n. a jam or preserve made from the pulp and sometimes rind of citrus fruit.
MARMALISEDmarmalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of marmalise.
MARMALISE v. (slang) to beat soundly, also MARMALIZE, MARMELISE, MARMELIZE.
MARMALISESmarmalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marmalise.
MARMALISE v. (slang) to beat soundly, also MARMALIZE, MARMELISE, MARMELIZE.
MARMALIZESmarmalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marmalize.
MARMALIZE v. (slang) to beat soundly, also MARMALISE, MARMELISE, MARMELIZE.
MARMARISEDMARMARISE v. to convert limestone into marble, also MARMARIZE.
MARMARISESMARMARISE v. to convert limestone into marble, also MARMARIZE.
MARMARIZESMARMARIZE v. to convert limestone into marble, also MARMARISE.
MARMAROSESMARMAROSIS n. the conversion of limestone into marble.
MATTAMORESmattamores n. Plural of mattamore.
MATTAMORE n. a subterranean chamber, also MASSYMORE.
MELODRAMASmelodramas n. Plural of melodrama.
MELODRAMA n. a kind of romantic and sensational drama, also MELODRAME.
METALMARKSmetalmarks n. Plural of metalmark.
METALMARK n. one of a family of tropical butterflies.
MISMANAGERmismanager n. One who mismanages.
MISMANAGER n. one who mismanages.
SARCOLEMMAsarcolemma n. (Anatomy) A thin cell membrane that surrounds a striated muscle fibre.
SARCOLEMMA n. the cell membrane enclosing a muscle fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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