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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, 2L and 2T

ALLITERATEalliterate v. (Intransitive) To exhibit alliteration.
alliterate v. (Transitive) To use (a word or sound) so as to make alliteration.
ALLITERATE v. to form an alliteration.
CANTILLATEcantillate v. To chant, or to recite musically (especially in a synagogue).
CANTILLATE v. to chant or intone, esp. Hebrew scriptures in the Jewish liturgical service.
CAVALLETTIcavalletti n. Plural of cavalletto.
CAVALLETTI n. a series of timber jumps, adjustable in height, for schooling horses, also CAVALETTI.
GALLANTESTgallantest adj. Superlative form of gallant: most gallant.
GALLANT adj. chivalrous.
LATERALITYlaterality n. The state or quality of being lateral.
LATERALITY n. the state or condition of being lateral.
MALTALENTSMALTALENT n. (Spenser) ill-will.
MARTELLATOmartellato adj. (Music) Strongly accented, or hammered out; used of notes played on bowed string instruments, handbells, or the piano.
MARTELLATO n. (Italian) (in string playing) the practice of bowing the string with a succession of short sharp blows.
PLATTELANDplatteland n. (South Africa) country, countryside.
PLATTELAND n. (South African) rural districts.
TARANTELLAtarantella n. A rapid dance in 6/8 time, originating in Italy, or a piece of music for such a dance.
TARANTELLA n. (Italian) a lively, whirling South Italian dance once thought to be caused by tarantism.
TATTERSALLtattersall n. A fabric pattern containing squares of dark lines on a light background.
Tattersall prop.n. A surname from Old English.
TATTERSALL n. a pattern of squares formed by dark lines on a light background; a cloth with this pattern.
TATTLETALEtattletale adj. Telltale; giveaway.
tattletale n. One who tattles (reports others’ wrongdoings), often a child seeking attention.
tattletale n. One who gossips, often for the sake of attention.
TOCCATELLAtoccatella n. (Music) A short or simple toccata.
TOCCATELLA n. a short toccata.
TRILATERALtrilateral adj. Having three sides.
trilateral adj. Involving three parties.
TRILATERAL adj. having three sides.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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