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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, I, R, T and X

ANTIVAXERSantivaxers n. Plural of antivaxer.
anti-vaxers n. Plural of anti-vaxer.
ANTIVAXER n. one opposed to vaccination, also ANTIVAXXER.
ANTIVAXXERantivaxxer n. Alternative form of anti-vaxxer.
anti-vaxxer n. (Informal) A person who opposes vaccination, as for its purported dangerous effects.
ANTIVAXXER n. one opposed to vaccination, also ANTIVAXER.
AVIATRIXESaviatrixes n. Plural of aviatrix.
AVIATRIX n. a female aviator.
EXAMINATORexaminator n. An examiner.
EXAMINATOR n. an examiner.
EXARATIONSexarations n. Plural of exaration.
EXARATION n. the act of writing or engraving on stone.
EXHILARANTexhilarant adj. Exciting joy, mirth, or pleasure.
exhilarant n. That which exhilarates.
EXHILARANT adj. exciting joy, mirth, or pleasure.
EXHILARATEexhilarate v. (Transitive) To cheer, to cheer up, to gladden, to make happy.
exhilarate v. (Transitive) To excite, to thrill.
EXHILARATE v. to make cheerful and excited.
EXPATIATORexpatiator n. One who expatiates.
EXPATIATOR n. one who expatiates.
EXPATRIATEexpatriate adj. Living outside of one’s own country.
expatriate n. One who lives outside one’s own country.
expatriate v. (Transitive) To banish; to drive or force (a person) from his own country; to make an exile of.
RELAXATIONrelaxation n. The act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed; the opposite of stress or tension; the aim of recreation…
relaxation n. A diminution of tone, tension, or firmness; specifically in pathology: a looseness; a diminution of…
relaxation n. Remission or abatement of rigor.
RELAXATIVErelaxative adj. Having the quality of relaxing; laxative.
relaxative n. A relaxant.
RELAXATIVE n. a medication or activity that promotes relaxation.
SEPARATRIXseparatrix n. (Typography, historical) The ⟨L⟩ or pipe ⟨|⟩ mark formerly used to divide integers from decimals.
separatrix n. (Typography, obsolete) Synonym of decimal point, which replaced such marks.
separatrix n. (Typography) The proofreader’s mark resembling a slash ⟨ / ⟩ or vertical bar ⟨ | ⟩ placed after a note…
TAXIDERMALtaxidermal adj. Of, or pertaining to, taxidermy.
TAXIDERMAL adj. relating to taxidermy, also TAXIDERMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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