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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, I, L, N and Y

ALIMENTARYalimentary adj. Of, or relating to food, nutrition or digestion.
alimentary adj. Nourishing; nutritious.
ALIMENTARY adj. pertaining to food; nourishing.
AMYGDALINEamygdaline n. Alternative form of amygdalin.
amygdaline adj. Resembling or characteristic of almonds.
AMYGDALINE adj. relating to tonsils.
ANEMICALLYanemically adv. In an anemic manner.
ANEMIC adv. suffering from anemia, also ANAEMIC.
ANIMATEDLYanimatedly adv. In an animated manner; with animation.
AXENICALLYaxenically adv. Without other living organisms.
AXENIC adv. not contaminated by or associated with any other living organisms, e.g. of pure cultures of microorganisms.
DRAINLAYERDRAINLAYER n. (New Zealand) one whose job is to lay drains.
INERASABLYinerasably adv. In an inerasable manner.
INERASABLE adv. that cannot be erased, also INERASIBLE.
LAYMANISEDLAYMANISE v. to simplify (technical information) into a form that can be understood by ordinary people, also LAYMANIZE.
LAYMANISESLAYMANISE v. to simplify (technical information) into a form that can be understood by ordinary people, also LAYMANIZE.
LAYMANIZEDlaymanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of laymanize.
LAYMANIZE v. to simplify (technical information) into a form that can be understood by ordinary people, also LAYMANISE.
LAYMANIZESlaymanizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of laymanize.
LAYMANIZE v. to simplify (technical information) into a form that can be understood by ordinary people, also LAYMANISE.
RAILWAYMENrailwaymen n. Plural of railwayman.
RAILWAYMAN n. one who works on the railway.
REANALYSISreanalysis n. A second or subsequent analysis.
reanalysis n. (Linguistics) Analyzing a lexeme with a different structure from its original, often by misunderstanding…
REANALYSIS n. the act of analysing again.
YAFFINGALEyaffingale n. (Archaic) the European green woodpecker, Picus viridis.
YAFFINGALE n. the yaffle or green woodpecker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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