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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, H, R, T and U

AMATEURISHamateurish adj. Suggesting or reflecting the efforts of an amateur; not seeming professional or polished.
AMATEURISH adj. like an amateur.
AUTARCHIESautarchies n. Plural of autarchy.
AUTARCHY n. absolute sovereignty.
EARTHQUAKEearthquake n. A shaking of the ground, caused by volcanic activity or movement around geologic faults.
earthquake n. (Planetary geology) Such a quake specifically occurring on the planet Earth, as opposed to other celestial bodies.
earthquake v. (Intransitive) To undergo an earthquake.
FEARNAUGHTfearnaught n. A fearless person.
fearnaught n. A stout woolen cloth of great thickness; dreadnought.
fearnaught n. (By extension) A warm garment, especially one made of this cloth.
FRAUGHTAGEfraughtage n. (Obsolete) freight; cargo.
FRAUGHTAGE n. (Shakespeare) loading, cargo, also FRAUTAGE.
GASTHAUSERGASTHAUS n. (German) a small hotel in Germany.
GAULTHERIAgaultheria n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Gaultheria of evergreen ericaceous shrubs.
Gaultheria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ericaceae – wintergreen and similar plants.
GAULTHERIA n. a genus of ericaceous shrubs with evergreen foliage, and, often, edible berries.
HAEMATURIAhaematuria n. Britain standard spelling of hematuria.
hæmaturia n. Obsolete form of hematuria.
HAEMATURIA n. the presence of blood in the urine, also HEMATURIA.
HAEMATURIChaematuric adj. Alternative form of hematuric.
HAEMATURIC adj. relating to haematuria, the presence of blood in urine, also HEMATURIC.
HEMATURIAShematurias n. Plural of hematuria.
HEMATURIA n. the presence of blood in urine, also HAEMATURIA.
PARACHUTEDparachuted v. Simple past tense and past participle of parachute.
PARACHUTE v. to descend by parachute.
PARACHUTESparachutes n. Plural of parachute.
parachutes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of parachute.
PARACHUTE v. to descend by parachute.
SHAMATEURSshamateurs n. Plural of shamateur.
SHAMATEUR n. an amateur who is actually paid for his or her performance.
ULTRACHEAPultracheap adj. Extremely cheap.
ULTRAHEATSultraheats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ultraheat.
ULTRAHEAT v. to heat to very high temperatures, as used for sterilisation.
ULTRAHEAVYultraheavy adj. (Physics, chemistry) Describing any atom that has a very large atomic weight; especially those that…
ultraheavy adj. Extremely or exceedingly heavy; of utmost heaviness.
ULTRAHEAVY adj. very very heavy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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