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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, H, N and 2T

ANATHEMATAanathemata n. Plural of anathema.
ANATHEMA n. (Greek) the formal act or formula of consigning to damnation.
ANCHOVETTAanchovetta n. Alternative spelling of anchoveta.
ANCHOVETTA n. (Spanish) a small fish like an anchovy, also ANCHOVETA.
ANTHRACITEanthracite n. A form of carbonized ancient plants; the hardest and cleanest-burning of all the coals.
anthracite n. A dark grey colour.
ANTHRACITE n. a kind of hard coal.
ARCHONTATEarchontate n. The office or position of an archon.
ARCHONTATE n. an archon's term of office.
ATTACHMENTattachment n. The act or process of (physically or figuratively) attaching.
attachment n. A strong bonding with or fondness for someone or something.
attachment n. A dependence, especially a strong one.
ATTRAHENTSattrahents n. Plural of attrahent.
ATTRAHENT n. a muscle that draws towards.
ETHANOATESethanoates n. Plural of ethanoate.
ETHANOATE n. an ester of acetic acid, aka acetate.
HATCHETMANhatchetman n. Alternative spelling of hatchet man.
hatchet␣man n. A male professional killer or gunman.
hatchet␣man n. (US, historical) A male hatchet-wielding participant in a Chinese-American tong war.
HETMANATEShetmanates n. Plural of hetmanate.
HETMANATE n. the office of hetman, the head or general of the Cossacks.
THANATOSESthanatoses n. Plural of thanatosis.
THANATOS n. (Greek) in Freudian psychology, the urge for destruction or self-destruction.
UNATTACHEDunattached adj. Not attached or joined; disconnected.
unattached adj. Not married and not involved in a romantic relationship.
unattached adj. Not connected with or belonging to a particular group or organization.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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