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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, G and 3S

AMBASSAGESambassages n. Plural of ambassage.
AMBASSAGE n. an embassy, also EMBASSAGE.
BAGASSOSESBAGASSOSIS n. an industrial disease caused by inhaling bagasse.
DOGARESSASdogaressas n. Plural of dogaressa.
DOGARESSA n. (Italian) a doge's wife.
EMBASSAGESembassages n. Plural of embassage.
EMBASSAGE n. an embassy, also AMBASSAGE.
GALLEASSESgalleasses n. Plural of galleass.
GALLEASS n. a large war galley, also GALLIASS.
GALLIASSESgalliasses n. Plural of galliass.
GALLIASS n. a large war galley, also GALLEASS.
GASTHAUSESGASTHAUS n. (German) a small hotel in Germany.
GLASSWARESglasswares n. Plural of glassware.
GLASSWARE n. ware, or articles collectively, made of glass.
MATGRASSESmatgrasses n. Plural of matgrass.
MATGRASS n. a rushlike moorland grass.
RAYGRASSESraygrasses n. Plural of raygrass.
ray␣grasses n. Plural of ray grass.
RAYGRASS n. a pasture and fodder type of grass, also RYEFLOUR, RYEGRASS.
REPASSAGESrepassages n. Plural of repassage.
REPASSAGE n. the act of repassing; passage back.
SAGANASHESSAGANASH n. (Native American) a white man.
SARGASSOESsargassoes n. Plural of sargasso.
SARGASSO n. (Portuguese) a genus of algae including the gulfweed, also SARGASSUM.
SAVAGENESSsavageness n. The property of being savage or behaving savagely.
SAVAGENESS n. the state of being savage.
SAWGRASSESsawgrasses n. Plural of sawgrass.
saw-grasses n. Plural of saw-grass (alternative spelling of sawgrasses).
saw␣grasses n. Plural of saw grass (alternative spelling of sawgrasses).
SEAGRASSESseagrasses n. Plural of seagrass.
SEAGRASS n. a grasslike plant living in or close to the sea.
TEARGASSESteargasses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of teargas; alternative spelling of teargases.
tear␣gasses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tear gas.
TEARGAS v. to assault with a gas that irritates the eyes.
VASSALAGESvassalages n. Plural of vassalage.
VASSALAGE n. the state of being a vassal, or feudatory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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