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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, G, 2I and T

ACIERATINGacierating v. Present participle of acierate.
ACIERATE v. to turn into steel.
ALIENATINGalienating adj. Tending to alienate.
alienating v. Present participle of alienate.
ALIENATE v. to make indifferent or unfriendly.
DIGLADIATEdigladiate v. (Rare) To fight like gladiators; to contend or dispute violently.
DIGLADIATE v. (obsolete) to fight with swords; to fence.
EMACIATINGemaciating v. Present participle of emaciate.
EMACIATE v. to make thin.
EPIGASTRIAepigastria n. Plural of epigastrium.
EPIGASTRIUM n. part of abdomen lying over the stomach.
ERADIATINGeradiating v. Present participle of eradiate.
ERADIATE v. to shoot out like a ray of light.
FASTIGIATEfastigiate adj. (Botany) Erect and parallel.
fastigiate adj. (Botany, horticulture) Having closely-bunched erect parallel branches.
fastigiate adj. (Palynology) Characterized by a fastigium, a cavity separating the intexine from the sexine near the…
GENITALIALGENITALIAL adj. relating to the genitalia, also GENITALIC.
INDAGATIVEindagative adj. (Obsolete) Searching; exploring; investigating.
INDAGATIVE adj. investigative, also INDAGATORY.
INGRATIATEingratiate v. (Reflexive) To bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering or trying to please him or her.
ingratiate v. (Followed by to) To recommend; to render easy or agreeable.
INGRATIATE v. to commend (usually oneself) persuasively to someone's favour.
INVAGINATEinvaginate adj. (Biology) sheathed.
invaginate adj. (Biology) Having one portion of a hollow organ drawn back within another portion.
invaginate v. (Medicine, surgery) To fold up or enclose into a sheath-like or pouch-like structure, either naturally…
SAGACITIESsagacities n. Plural of sagacity.
SAGACITY n. wisdom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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