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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, F, G, R and T

AFTERGAMESaftergames n. Plural of aftergame.
after-games n. Plural of after-game.
AFTERGAME n. a rematch; a means employed after the first turn of affairs.
AFTERGRASSaftergrass n. The grass that grows after the first crop has been mown.
after-grass n. Alternative spelling of aftergrass.
AFTERGRASS n. the grass that grows after the first crop has been mown; aftermath.
AFTERGUARDafterguard n. (Historical, nautical) The seaman or seamen stationed on the poop or after part of a ship, to attend the after-sails.
afterguard n. (Sailing) The members of a yacht’s crew who attend to the aft sails.
afterguard n. A drudge; somebody tasked with menial work.
AFTERIMAGEafterimage n. An image which persists or remains in negative after the original stimulation has ended.
after-image n. Alternative form of afterimage.
AFTERIMAGE n. a usually visual sensation occurring after stimulation by its external cause has ceased.
DEFLAGRATEdeflagrate v. (Physics) To burn with intense light and heat.
DEFLAGRATE v. to burn suddenly, generally with flame and crackling noise.
FACTORAGESfactorages n. Plural of factorage.
FACTORAGE n. the fees or commission of a factor.
FEARNAUGHTfearnaught n. A fearless person.
fearnaught n. A stout woolen cloth of great thickness; dreadnought.
fearnaught n. (By extension) A warm garment, especially one made of this cloth.
FRAGMENTALfragmental adj. (Geology) consisting of fragments.
fragmental n. (Geology) A fragmentary rock.
FRAGMENTAL adj. composed of fragments of older rocks.
FRAUGHTAGEfraughtage n. (Obsolete) freight; cargo.
FRAUGHTAGE n. (Shakespeare) loading, cargo, also FRAUTAGE.
GAYFEATHERgayfeather n. Many of the plants of the genus Liatris, native to North America, including Mexico, east of the continental divide.
STAGECRAFTstagecraft n. (Uncountable) The skills of the theater.
stagecraft n. (Countable) A specific skill of the theater.
STAGECRAFT n. the effective management of theatrical devices or techniques.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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