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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2E, M and 2R

AEROGRAMMEaerogramme n. Alternative spelling of aerogram.
AEROGRAMME n. an airmail letter, also AEROGRAM.
AMENORRHEAamenorrhea n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of amenorrhoea.
AMENORRHEA n. abnormal absence or arrest of menstruation, also AMENORRHOEA.
ARAEOMETERaræometer n. Archaic form of areometer.
ARAEOMETER n. (historical) an instrument used for measuring specific gravity, also AREOMETER.
ARAEOMETRYaræometry n. Obsolete form of areometry.
ARAEOMETRY n. the measuring of specific gravity, also AREOMETRY.
CREAMWAREScreamwares n. Plural of creamware.
CREAMWARE n. a type of earthenware with a cream-coloured glaze.
DAYDREAMERdaydreamer n. One who daydreams.
daydreamer n. A person who wastes time daydreaming of accomplishments instead of accomplishing things.
Daydreamer n. (Music) A fan of British singer-songwriter Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (born 1988), simply known as Adele.
DRAEGERMANSorry, definition not available.
MACEBEARERmacebearer n. Alternative spelling of mace-bearer.
mace-bearer n. Someone who carries a mace.
MACEBEARER n. one who carries a mace.
MACERATERSmaceraters n. Plural of macerater.
MACERATER n. one who macerates.
MALTREATERmaltreater n. One who maltreats someone or something.
MALTREATER n. one who maltreats.
MARPRELATEMARPRELATE v. to inveigh after the manner of Martin Marprelate, the name assumed by the author of certain anti-episcopal tracts, 1588-9.
PAPERMAKERpapermaker n. A person or company that makes paper.
PAPERMAKER n. one that makes paper.
PARAMETERSparameters n. Plural of parameter.
PARAMETER n. a boundary or limit to the scope of something.
PERMABEARSpermabears n. Plural of permabear.
PERMABEAR n. an investor who consistently acts in the expectation that the value of stocks and shares will fall.
REARMAMENTrearmament n. The process of rearming.
REARMAMENT n. the act of arming again.
REMARKABLEremarkable adj. Worthy of remark; notable.
remarkable adj. Uncommon; unusual.
REMARKABLE adj. worthy of note.
REMARRIAGEremarriage n. A second or subsequent marriage.
REMARRIAGE n. the act of marrying again.
TERRAMARESterramares n. Plural of terramare.
TERRAMARE n. (Italian) a dark earthy deposit formed under prehistoric pile-dwellings in Italy, also TERRAMARA.
TETRAMERALtetrameral adj. Tetramerous.
TETRAMERAL adj. of or like a tetramer, a polymer consisting of four identical isomers, also TETRAMERIC.
WEIMARANERWeimaraner n. A breed of gun dog with an athletic build and short coat.
WEIMARANER n. (German) a breed of grey shorthaired gun dogs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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