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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2E, H, M and T

ATHENAEUMSathenaeums n. Plural of athenaeum.
athenæums n. Plural of athenæum.
ATHENAEUM n. (Greek) a literary or scientific association, also ATHENEUM.
ENANTHEMASENANTHEMA n. an ulcer on a mucous membrane.
EPITHEMATAEPITHEMA n. (Greek) a group of leaf cells which exude water, also EPITHEM.
EXANTHEMASexanthemas n. Plural of exanthema.
EXANTHEMA n. a skin eruption, esp. accompanied by fever, also EXANTHEM.
HAEMATEINShaemateins n. Plural of haematein.
HAEMATEIN n. a dark purple crystalline substance obtained from logwood and used as an indicator and biological stain, also HEMATEIN.
HAEMATITEShaematites n. Plural of haematite.
HAEMATITE n. an ore of iron, also HEMATITE.
HAEMATOSESHAEMATOSIS n. the formation of blood; conversion of venous into arterial blood, also HEMATOSIS.
HEADMASTERheadmaster n. (Chiefly UK) A male school principal.
HEADMASTER n. a man heading the staff of a school.
HEADSTREAMheadstream n. A stream that is the source of a river.
HEADSTREAM n. the stream forming the highest, most remote source of a river.
HEMIACETALhemiacetal n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of compounds of general formula R1R2C(OH)OR’ (where R’ is not H and…
HEMIACETAL n. any of a class of alkyl compounds.
HETMANATEShetmanates n. Plural of hetmanate.
HETMANATE n. the office of hetman, the head or general of the Cossacks.
HEXAMETRALhexametral adj. Hexametric.
HEXAMETRAL adj. like a hexameter, also HEXAMETRIC, HEXAMETRICAL.
LEATHERMANleatherman n. A member of a homosexual male subculture that grew out of male-only motorcycle clubs formed by homosexual…
leatherman n. A multitool, usually with a plier head as the central implement, that has an array of other implements…
Leatherman prop.n. A surname.
MASTHEADEDmastheaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of masthead.
MASTHEAD v. to raise to the masthead; to punish by sending to the masthead.
MEGADEATHSmegadeaths n. Plural of megadeath.
MEGADEATH n. a million deaths.
METALHEADSmetalheads n. Plural of metalhead.
METALHEAD n. a fan of heavy metal music.
METAPHASESmetaphases n. Plural of metaphase.
metaphases n. Plural of metaphasis.
METAPHASE n. the stage of mitotic or meiotic nuclear division when the chromosomes become attached to the spindle fibres.
METAPHRASEmetaphrase n. A literal, word-for-word translation.
metaphrase n. An answering phrase; repartee.
metaphrase v. To make such a literal translation.
WEATHERMANweatherman n. A person, especially a male one, who reports the weather conditions or forecasts.
Weatherman prop.n. A radical American left-wing terrorist organization of the late 1960s and 1970s, opposing the US government.
Weatherman n. A member of this organization.
WHEATMEALSwheatmeals n. Plural of wheatmeal.
WHEATMEAL n. wheat flour with some of the germ and bran removed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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