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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2E, H, L and R

ALLWEATHERall-weather adj. Not affected by climatic conditions; capable of normal operation regardless of precipitation, wind, sun, etc.
all-weather adj. (Figuratively) Always there when needed, reliable, dependable, loyal, faithful.
ALLWEATHER n. a track or pitch suitable for use in all weathers.
BARRELHEADbarrelhead n. The head of a barrel, especially when the barrel has been stood vertically and its head thus serves…
barrel-head n. Alternative form of barrelhead.
barrel␣head n. Alternative form of barrelhead.
BREATHABLEbreathable adj. (Of air) suitable for breathing.
breathable adj. (Of a fabric, etc.) Letting air seep through.
BREATHABLE adj. suitable for breathing.
CHARGEABLEchargeable adj. (Of expenses etc.) That may be charged to an account.
chargeable adj. (Rare) Liable to be accused (either formally or informally).
chargeable adj. Imputable.
DECAHEDRALdecahedral adj. Having ten plane surfaces.
DECAHEDRAL adj. having ten sides.
EXHILARATEexhilarate v. (Transitive) To cheer, to cheer up, to gladden, to make happy.
exhilarate v. (Transitive) To excite, to thrill.
EXHILARATE v. to make cheerful and excited.
GATHERABLEgatherable adj. Capable of being gathered or collected.
gatherable adj. Deducible from premises.
GATHERABLE adj. that can be gathered.
HARDENABLEhardenable adj. Capable of being hardened.
HEALTHCAREhealthcare n. Alternative spelling of health care.
health-care n. Alternative spelling of health care.
health␣care n. The prevention, treatment, and management of illness or the preservation of mental and physical well-being…
HEXAHEDRALhexahedral adj. Having six plane surfaces.
HEXAHEDRAL adj. in the form of a hexahedron.
HEXAMETRALhexametral adj. Hexametric.
HEXAMETRAL adj. like a hexameter, also HEXAMETRIC, HEXAMETRICAL.
LEATHERMANleatherman n. A member of a homosexual male subculture that grew out of male-only motorcycle clubs formed by homosexual…
leatherman n. A multitool, usually with a plier head as the central implement, that has an array of other implements…
Leatherman prop.n. A surname.
MENARCHEALmenarcheal adj. Of or pertaining to the menarche.
MENARCHEAL adj. relating to the menarche, also MENARCHIAL.
PEARLASHESpearlashes n. Plural of pearlash.
PEARLASH n. an alkaline compound obtained from wood ash.
PREACHABLEpreachable adj. Capable of being preached.
PREACHABLE adj. that can be preached.
REHEARSALSrehearsals n. Plural of rehearsal.
REHEARSAL n. an act of rehearsing.
SEARCHABLEsearchable adj. Capable of being searched, especially something that has an automated search function included.
searchable adj. Capable of being searched for.
SEARCHABLE adj. that can be searched.
TRACHELATETRACHELATE adj. having a neck.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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