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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, N, 2O and S

ADORATIONSadorations n. Plural of adoration.
ADORATION n. the act of adoring.
ANADROMOUSanadromous adj. (Of a migratory fish) That lives in the sea and breeds in fresh water.
anadromous adj. (Botany) Of a fern in which the first veins in a frond segment are produced towards the apex of the frond.
ANADROMOUS adj. of fish, migrating up rivers from the sea to spawn in fresh water.
ANODONTIASanodontias n. Plural of anodontia.
ANODONTIA n. congenital absence of teeth.
CARBONADOScarbonados n. Plural of carbonado.
CARBONADO v. (Spanish) to broil on coals, also CARBONADE, CARBONNADE.
ENAMORADOSEnamorados prop.n. Plural of Enamorado.
ENAMORADO n. (obsolete) a lover.
MONODRAMASmonodramas n. Plural of monodrama.
MONODRAMA n. a one-man show; a play having only one actor.
OSTRACODANOSTRACODAN adj. relating to a class of minute crustacea with bivalve shells.
SANDALFOOTSorry, definition not available.
SANDALWOODsandalwood n. Any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum, native or long naturalized in India, Australia…
sandalwood n. The aromatic heartwood of these trees used in ornamental carving, in the construction of insect-repellent…
Sandalwood prop.n. (Informal) The Kannada film industry located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
SAPANWOODSSAPANWOOD n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPAN, SAPPAN, SAPPANWOOD.
SAPPANWOODsappanwood n. The wood of Caesalpinia sappan, a flowering tree in the legume family Fabaceae.
SAPPANWOOD n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPAN, SAPANWOOD, SAPPAN.
WAGONLOADSwagonloads n. Plural of wagonload.
WAGONLOAD n. the contents of a full wagon, also WAGGONLOAD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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