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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, M, N, R and T

ADMIRATIONadmiration n. A positive emotion including wonder and approbation; the regarding of another as being wonderful.
admiration n. (Obsolete) Wondering or questioning (without any particular positive or negative attitude to the subject).
admiration n. (Obsolete) Cause of admiration; something to excite wonder, or pleased surprise.
AMENDATORYamendatory adj. For the purpose of amending or correction.
AMENDATORY adj. supplying amendment.
ANIMADVERTanimadvert v. (Intransitive) To criticise, to censure.
animadvert v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To consider.
animadvert v. (Intransitive, law, archaic) To turn judicial attention (to); to criticise or punish.
BANDMASTERbandmaster n. (Music) The conductor of a musical ensemble, especially a brass or military band.
BANDMASTER n. the conductor of a band, also BANDLEADER.
DRAUGHTMANdraughtman n. Archaic form of draughtsman. (one who draws architectural or engineering plans)
DRAUGHTMAN n. a piece used in playing draughts.
DYNAMITARDdynamitard n. (Archaic or historical) A political dynamiter.
DYNAMITARD n. (archaic) a user of dynamite esp. for political purposes, also DYNAMITER.
LAUNDROMATlaundromat n. (US, Canada, Australia) A self-service laundry facility with (traditionally) coin-operated (which now…
MAGISTRANDmagistrand n. A student in the fourth year of a Masters degree.
MAGISTRAND n. a university student in fourth year.
MARGINATEDmarginated adj. Having a distinct margin.
MARGINATE v. to provide with a margin or border.
MONTAGNARDMontagnard n. (Historical) A member of La Montagne (The Mountain), a French political group active 1792-1799 during…
Montagnard n. (Historical) A member of La Montagne (The Mountain), Democratic Socialists active 1849-1852 in the French…
Montagnard n. (Demonym) A member of the indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands of Vietnam.
PANTRYMAIDpantrymaid n. (Historical) A female servant responsible for the pantry.
PANTRYMAID n. a maid in charge of a pantry.
REANIMATEDreanimated v. Simple past tense and past participle of reanimate.
REANIMATE v. to bring back to life.
TRADENAMEStradenames n. Plural of tradename.
trade␣names n. Plural of trade name.
TRADENAME n. a name serving as a trademark.
UNDRAMATICundramatic adj. Not dramatic; lacking in dramatic action.
UNDRAMATIC adj. lacking dramatic force or quality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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