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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, L, N, P and R

APHELANDRAaphelandra n. Any of the tropical evergreen shrubs in the genus Aphelandra.
APHELANDRA n. any shrub of the evergreen genus Aphelandra, widely grown as a house plant for its variegated shiny leaves and brightly coloured flowers.
APPLEDRAINAPPLEDRAIN n. (US dialect) a wasp.
ENDOCARPALendocarpal adj. (Botany) Relating to the endocarp.
ENDOCARPAL adj. relating to an endocarp, also ENDOCARPIC.
LANDSCAPERlandscaper n. One that does landscaping.
LANDSCAPER n. a landscape gardener.
LAPIDARIANlapidarian adj. Synonym of lapidary.
lapidarian n. Synonym of lapidary.
LAPIDARIAN adj. of or relating to stones; inscribed on stones.
PALISANDERpalisander n. Rosewood.
PALISANDER n. (French) a jacaranda tree or other rosewood.
PANHANDLERpanhandler n. One who panhandles; an urban beggar who typically stands on a street with an outstretched container…
PANHANDLER n. (US) someone who begs from someone esp. on the street.
PARANOIDALparanoidal adj. (Dated, medicine) paranoid.
PARANOIDAL adj. suffering from paranoia, also PARANOID.
PARDONABLEpardonable adj. Capable of being pardoned; worthy of pardon.
PARDONABLE adj. that can be pardoned.
PARDONABLYpardonably adv. In a pardonable manner.
PARDONABLE adv. that can be pardoned.
PLACARDINGplacarding v. Present participle of placard.
PLACARD v. to publicise by means of posters.
PRANDIALLYprandially adv. With a meal.
PRANDIAL adv. of or relating to a meal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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