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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, I, O and 2R

ARTHRODIAEARTHRODIA n. in zoology, a joint.
ARTHRODIALarthrodial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to arthrodia or to an arthrosis.
ARTHRODIAL adj. relating to arthrodia, a joint.
BARRICADOSbarricados n. Plural of barricado.
BARRICADO n. a barricade.
CARDIOGRAMcardiogram n. (Cardiology) The visual output an electrocardiograph produces.
CARDIOGRAM n. a tracing obtained from a cardiograph.
DIARRHOEALdiarrhoeal adj. Britain standard spelling of diarrheal.
diarrhœal adj. Obsolete spelling of diarrheal.
DIARRHOEASdiarrhoeas n. Plural of diarrhoea.
diarrhœas n. Plural of diarrhœa.
DIARRHOEA n. a persistent purging or looseness of the bowels, also DIARRHEA.
DRAINBOARDdrainboard n. A slightly elevated and inclined surface, designed so that wet objects can be placed on that surface…
DRAINBOARD n. a sloping grooved board or surface, on which washed dishes are left to drain, typically into a sink.
ERADICATOReradicator n. A person who, or thing that eradicates.
ERADICATOR n. one who eradicates.
IRRADIATORirradiator n. A device used to irradiate.
IRRADIATOR n. something or someone that irradiates.
MICROFARADmicrofarad n. (Physics) One millionth ( 10-6 ) of a farad, abbreviated as µF.
micro-farad n. Alternative form of microfarad.
MICROFARAD n. the millionth part of a farad.
OUVIRANDRAOUVIRANDRA n. (Malagasy) a water-plant of Madagascar, aka lattice-leaf.
RADIOGRAMSradiograms n. Plural of radiogram.
RADIOGRAM n. an X-ray photograph.
RADIOGRAPHradiograph n. An image, often a photographic negative, produced by radiation other than normal light; especially an…
radiograph n. An instrument for measuring and recording solar radiation.
radiograph v. To produce a radiograph image.
RADIOLARIAradiolaria n. The members of the taxonomic subclass Radiolaria; radiolarians.
Radiolaria prop.n. A taxonomic subclass within the class Actinopodea – the radiolaria, numerous species, most of them extinct…
Radiolaria prop.n. Radiozoa.
RADIOPAGERradiopager n. A pager (telecommunication device) that operates by means of radio signals.
RADIOPAGER n. a radio receiver which functions as a pager.
RAILROADEDrailroaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of railroad.
RAILROAD v. to put through a process forcefully and rapidly.
RAILROADERrailroader n. One who works for a railroad company.
railroader n. One who railroads people.
RAILROADER n. a railway worker or official.
RITARDANDOritardando adv. (Music) Gradually decelerating the tempo of a piece of music, especially at the end of the piece.
ritardando adj. (Music) Having a gradually decelerating tempo.
ritardando n. (Music) An instance of gradually decelerating the tempo of a piece of music.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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