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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, I, M, R and U

ANACARDIUMAnacardium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Anacardiaceae – cashews.
ANACARDIUM n. a genus of plants including the cashew tree.
AUDIOGRAMSaudiograms n. Plural of audiogram.
AUDIOGRAM n. a graphic representation of the relation of vibration frequency and the minimum sound intensity for hearing.
BARRAMUNDIbarramundi n. A diadromous fish of species Lates calcarifer, of the Centropomidae family, order Perciformes.
BARRAMUNDI n. (Native Australian) an Australian river-fish, also BARRAMUNDA, BURRAMUNDI.
GRADUALISMgradualism n. (Biology) The belief that evolution proceeds at a steady pace, without the sudden development of new…
gradualism n. (Transferred sense) The belief that some phenomenon occurs gradually over a long period of time.
gradualism n. (Politics) The belief that change ought to be brought about in small, discrete increments rather than…
MANDIBULARmandibular adj. (Anatomy, zootomy) Of or pertaining to the mandible.
MANDIBULAR adj. of or pertaining to a mandible.
MAQUISARDSmaquisards n. Plural of maquisard.
MAQUISARD n. a member of the maquis, a guerrilla resistance force.
MARAUDINGSmaraudings n. Plural of marauding.
MARAUDING n. the act of wandering in search of plunder.
PARAPODIUMparapodium n. (Zoology) Any of the paired unjointed lateral outgrowths used for locomotion by worms such as annelids.
parapodium n. (Zoology) A lateral expansion on both sides of the foot in some gastropods, often used as a swimming organ.
PARAPODIUM n. a jointless muscular lateral appendage occurring in pairs in polychaete worms.
UNDRAMATICundramatic adj. Not dramatic; lacking in dramatic action.
UNDRAMATIC adj. lacking dramatic force or quality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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