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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, I, 2L and R

AMARYLLIDSamaryllids n. Plural of amaryllid.
AMARYLLID n. any member of the amaryllis family, also AMARYLLIS.
ARMADILLOSarmadillos n. Plural of armadillo.
ARMADILLO n. (Spanish) any of a number of burrowing edentate mammals native to South and Central America.
ARYBALLOIDARYBALLOID adj. in the form of an aryballos, a globular oil-flask with a neck.
BALLADRIESballadries n. Plural of balladry.
BALLADRY n. ballads collectively.
BANDERILLAbanderilla n. (Bullfighting) A decorated barbed stick used in bullfighting to stick into the bulls’ shoulders.
BANDERILLA n. a dart stuck into a bull at a bullfight.
CARDINALLYcardinally adv. In a cardinal manner; fundamentally.
CARDINAL adv. of fundamental importance.
CUADRILLAScuadrillas n. Plural of cuadrilla.
CUADRILLA n. (Spanish) the attendants of a matador.
GAILLARDIAgaillardia n. Any of several New World flowering plants of the genus Gaillardia.
GAILLARDIA n. a North American garden flower.
GRANADILLAgranadilla n. Any of several species of passion flowers of tropical America.
granadilla n. The edible fruit of these plants. Alternative regional spelling grenadilla.
GRANADILLA n. (Spanish) the fruit of certain species of passion flower found in Brazil and the West Indies, also GRENADILLA.
GRENADILLAgrenadilla n. A species of tree found in Africa, Dalbergia melanoxylon, valued for its timber.
grenadilla n. The wood obtained from this plant, blackwood, which is particularly used for making musical instruments.
grenadilla n. Alternative spelling of granadilla.
LARDALITESlardalites n. Plural of lardalite.
LARDALITE n. a coarse nepheline syenite, also LAURDALITE.
LARVICIDALlarvicidal adj. Killing larvae.
LARVICIDAL adj. killing larvae.
LAURDALITElaurdalite n. (Mineralogy) A grey or pinkish nepheline syenite mineral.
LAURDALITE n. a coarse nepheline syenite, also LARDALITE.
PARTIALLEDpartialled v. Simple past tense and past participle of partial.
PARTIAL v. as in partial out, to eliminate a factor in statistics.
PRANDIALLYprandially adv. With a meal.
PRANDIAL adv. of or relating to a meal.
RADIOLABELradiolabel v. To tag a substance (especially a biological substance) with a radioactive tracer.
radiolabel n. A radioactive tracer; a radiotracer.
RADIOLABEL n. a label on a radioactive substance.
SERRADILLAserradilla n. A common flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae, native to grasslands in temperate Eurasia and North Africa.
SERRADILLA n. a species of clover grown as fodder, also SERRADELLA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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