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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, E, N, O and P

ADAPTOGENSadaptogens n. Plural of adaptogen.
ADAPTOGEN n. any of various natural substances used in herbal medicine as regulators.
ADENOPATHYadenopathy n. (Pathology) Swelling or enlargement of the glands (especially the lymph nodes); any glandular disease.
ADENOPATHY n. enlargement of the lymph nodes.
ANDROPAUSEandropause n. The male equivalent of the menopause in women; characterised by a decline in libido and overall energy.
ANDROPAUSE n. the male menopause.
ANTIPODEANantipodean adj. Diametrically opposed.
antipodean adj. Relating to the antipodes, or situated at opposite sides of the Earth.
antipodean adj. (Informal) of, or pertaining to, Australia or New Zealand.
DECAPODANSdecapodans n. Plural of decapodan.
DECAPODAN n. a decapod.
ENDOCARPALendocarpal adj. (Botany) Relating to the endocarp.
ENDOCARPAL adj. relating to an endocarp, also ENDOCARPIC.
PARDONABLEpardonable adj. Capable of being pardoned; worthy of pardon.
PARDONABLE adj. that can be pardoned.
PATRONAGEDpatronaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of patronage.
PATRONAGE v. (Shakespeare) to countenance.
PLANELOADSplaneloads n. Plural of planeload.
PLANELOAD n. as much as may be carried by a plane.
TAMPONADEStamponades n. Plural of tamponade.
TAMPONADE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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