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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, 2S and 2T

ACTUALISTSactualists n. Plural of actualist.
ACTUALIST n. a person who deals with or considers actual facts.
ASTATICISMastaticism n. The state of being astatic.
ASTATICISM n. the quality of being astatic, having no fixed position of stability.
ASTHMATICSasthmatics n. Plural of asthmatic.
ASTHMATIC n. one suffering from asthma.
CAPOTASTOScapotastos n. Plural of capotasto.
CAPOTASTO n. (Italian) a moveable bridge secured over the fingerboard and strings of a guitar, also CAPODASTRO.
CASTIGATEScastigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of castigate.
CASTIGATE v. to scold, reprimand.
CASTRATERScastraters n. Plural of castrater.
CASTRATER n. a device used in castration, also CASTRATOR.
CASTRATORScastrators n. Plural of castrator.
CASTRATOR n. a device used in castration, also CASTRATER.
CATASTASEScatastases n. Plural of catastasis.
CATASTASIS n. the part of drama where action is at its height.
CATASTASIScatastasis n. In classical drama, the third and penultimate section, in which action is heightened for the catastrophe.
catastasis n. (Rhetoric) The part of a speech that states the subject to be discussed.
CATASTASIS n. the part of drama where action is at its height.
COATSTANDScoatstands n. Plural of coatstand.
coat-stands n. Plural of coat-stand.
coat␣stands n. Plural of coat stand.
FANTASTICSfantastics n. Plural of fantastic.
FANTASTIC n. a person who has fanciful ideas or indulges in wild notions.
MASTICATESmasticates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of masticate.
MASTICATE v. to chew; to knead mechanically.
SHAGTASTICshagtastic adj. (Britain, slang) brilliant, with implications of sexual intercourse.
SHAGTASTIC adj. sexually very attractive.
STACATIONSstacations n. Plural of stacation.
STACATION n. a holiday in which leisure activities are pursued while staying at one's own home, also STAYCATION.
TESTACEANStestaceans n. Plural of testacean.
TESTACEAN n. a microscopic animal with a hard shell.
WAISTCOATSwaistcoats n. Plural of waistcoat.
WAISTCOAT n. a garment, plain or ornamental, reaching to or below the waist and now sleeveless, worn by men at different periods under doublet, coat, jacket etc., also WESKIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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