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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, M, S and 2T

ASTATICISMastaticism n. The state of being astatic.
ASTATICISM n. the quality of being astatic, having no fixed position of stability.
ASTHMATICSasthmatics n. Plural of asthmatic.
ASTHMATIC n. one suffering from asthma.
ASTIGMATICastigmatic adj. (Medicine) Suffering from astigmatism.
astigmatic n. (Medicine) One who has astigmatism.
ASTIGMATIC adj. affected with, or pertaining to, astigmatism.
ATACAMITESatacamites n. Plural of atacamite.
ATACAMITE n. an oxy-chloride of copper, usually in emerald-green prismatic crystals.
AUTOMATICSautomatics n. Plural of automatic.
AUTOMATIC n. an automatic gun.
CATAMOUNTScatamounts n. Plural of catamount.
CATAMOUNT n. any of various large wild cats, applied esp. to the leopard, panther or ocelot, also CATAMOUNTAIN.
COMBATANTScombatants n. Plural of combatant.
COMBATANT n. one engaged in combat.
MACTATIONSmactations n. Plural of mactation.
MACTATION n. the killing or slaughter esp. of a sacrificial victim.
MASTICATEDmasticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of masticate.
MASTICATE v. to chew; to knead mechanically.
MASTICATESmasticates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of masticate.
MASTICATE v. to chew; to knead mechanically.
MASTICATORmasticator n. Someone who masticates.
masticator n. A machine for cutting meat into fine pieces for toothless people.
masticator n. A machine for cutting leather, India rubber, or similar tough substances, into fine pieces, in some…
METASTATICmetastatic adj. (Medicine) Relating to, or producing metastasis.
METASTATIC adj. of, pertaining to, or caused by, metastasis.
SMARTWATCHsmartwatch n. A wristwatch with electronic functionality beyond timekeeping. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
smartwatch n. A mobile device worn on the wrist with a touchscreen display.
SMARTWATCH n. an electronic wristwatch that is able to perform many of the functions of a smartphone or tablet computer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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