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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 7 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, 2M, N and O

AMMONIACALammoniacal adj. Pertaining to or containing ammonia.
AMMONIACAL adj. of or pertaining to ammonia, also AMMONICAL.
AMMONIACUMammoniacum n. Gum ammoniac, a resin exuded from the stem of the perennial herb Dorema ammoniacum.
AMMONIACUM n. gum ammoniac.
BACKGAMMONbackgammon n. A board game for two players in which each has 15 stones which move between 24 triangular points according…
backgammon n. (Backgammon) A victory in the game when the loser has not borne off a stone, and still has one or more…
backgammon v. To win at a backgammon game with the opponent having one or more pieces in the winner’s inner home row…
COMMANDANTcommandant n. A commanding officer, usually of a specific force or division.
Commandant n. (South Africa, military, historical) Title for the officer in charge of a commando or district.
COMMANDANT n. a commanding officer.
MELOMANIACmelomaniac n. One with an abnormal fondness of music; a person who loves music.
MELOMANIAC n. an abnormally dedicated musical fan.
MONOMACHIAmonomachia n. (Obsolete) A duel; single combat.
MONOMACHIA n. single combat; a duel, also MONOMACHY.
MONOMANIACmonomaniac n. A person who is obsessed with a single thing, to the exclusion of other concerns.
monomaniac adj. Focused on one thing above all others.
MONOMANIAC n. someone obsessed with one subject only.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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