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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, L, O and 2R

ACROTERIALacroterial adj. Pertaining to an acroterium.
ACROTERIAL adj. pertaining to an acroterium; as, acroterial ornaments.
BARCAROLESbarcaroles n. Plural of barcarole.
BARCAROLE n. (French) a gondolier's song, also BARCAROLLE.
BARCAROLLEbarcarolle n. Alternative spelling of barcarole.
BARCAROLLE n. (French) a gondolier's song, also BARCAROLE.
CALIBRATORcalibrator n. A person or device that calibrates.
CALIBRATOR n. one who calibrates, also CALIBRATER.
CARACOLERScaracolers n. Plural of caracoler.
CARACOLER n. one who caracoles.
CARNAROLISCARNAROLI n. (Italian) a variety of short-grained rice used for risotto.
CARVACROLScarvacrols n. Plural of carvacrol.
CARVACROL n. a thick oily liquid of a strong taste and disagreeable odor, obtained from oil of caraway.
COLORATURAcoloratura n. (Uncountable) Florid or fancy passages in vocal music.
coloratura n. (Countable) A singer of such passages, especially a soprano.
coloratura adj. Pertaining to coloratura.
CROTALARIAcrotalaria n. (Botany) Any of the genus Crotalaria of herbaceous plants and woody shrubs.
Crotalaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – the rattlepods, of Africa.
CROTALARIA n. any plant of the sunn hemp genus Crotalaria.
CURATORIALcuratorial adj. Of or relating to a curator.
CURATORIAL adj. relating to a curator.
DECLARATORdeclarator n. (Law, Scotland) A legal declaration.
declarator n. (Programming) A construct in source code that declares something, such as a variable.
DECLARATOR n. a form of action in the Court of Session, with the view of having a fact judicially ascertained and declared.
LACRIMATORlacrimator n. Alternative spelling of lachrymator.
LACRIMATOR n. a substance or gas causing tears, also LACHRYMATOR, LACRYMATOR.
LACRYMATORlacrymator n. Alternative form of lachrymator.
LACRYMATOR n. a substance or gas causing tears, also LACHRYMATOR, LACRIMATOR.
MACROFLORAmacroflora n. Plants that can be seen with the naked eye.
MACROFLORA n. (Greek) plants visible to the naked eye.
ORACULARLYoracularly adv. In an oracular manner.
ORACULAR adv. of the nature of an oracle, also ORACULOUS.
ORATORICALoratorical adj. Of, or relating to oratory or an orator.
ORATORICAL adj. of or like an orator.
RAZORCLAMSrazor␣clams n. Plural of razor clam.
RAZORCLAM n. a lamellibranch mollusc with a shell like an old-fashioned razor handle, also RAZORFISH.
TRACHEOLARtracheolar adj. Relating to the tracheole.
TRACHEOLAR adj. of or like a tracheole, one of the minute delicate endings of a branched trachea of an insect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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