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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, L, M, T and U

ACCUMULATEaccumulate v. (Transitive) To heap up in a mass; to pile up; to collect or bring together (either literally or figuratively).
accumulate v. (Intransitive) To gradually grow or increase in quantity or number.
accumulate v. (Education, dated) To take a higher degree at the same time with a lower degree, or at a shorter interval than usual.
ACETABULUMacetabulum n. (Anatomy) The bony cup of the pelvis which receives the head of the femur.
acetabulum n. (Zootomy) The cavity in which the leg of an insect is inserted at its articulation with the body.
acetabulum n. (Zootomy) A sucker of the sepia or cuttlefish and related animals.
ALMUCANTARalmucantar n. (Astronomy, archaic or historical) A small circle on the celestial sphere, parallel to the horizon…
almucantar n. (Astronomy, archaic or historical) An instrument for observing the heavenly bodies as they cross such a circle.
ALMUCANTAR n. (Arabic) a circle of altitude, parallel to the horizon, also ALMACANTAR.
CALAMITOUScalamitous adj. Concerning or involving calamity, disastrous.
CALAMITOUS adj. disastrous.
CALUMNIATEcalumniate v. (Transitive) To make hurtful untrue comments about.
calumniate v. (Transitive) To levy a false charge against, especially of a vague offense, with the intent to damage…
CALUMNIATE v. to slander; misrepresent; besmirch.
CATACUMBALcatacumbal adj. Of or relating to a catacomb.
CATACUMBAL adj. relating to a catacomb.
EMASCULATEemasculate adj. Deprived of virility or vigor; unmanned, weak.
emasculate v. (Transitive) To deprive of virile or procreative power; to castrate, to geld.
emasculate v. (Transitive) To deprive of masculine vigor or spirit; to weaken; to render effeminate; to vitiate by unmanly softness.
FACTUALISMfactualism n. A form of evaluation that emphasizes the usage of facts, falsifiability, logic and reason.
FACTUALISM n. the quality of being factual.
IMMACULATEimmaculate adj. Absolutely tidy, having no blemish or stain.
immaculate adj. (Zoology) (botany) Lacking blotches, spots, or other markings.
immaculate adj. (Figurative) containing no mistakes.
MACULATINGmaculating v. Present participle of maculate.
MACULATE v. to spot or stain.
MACULATIONmaculation n. (Obsolete) The act of spotting; a spot; a blemish.
maculation n. (Zoology, botany, chiefly uncountable) A pattern of spots.
MACULATION n. being covered in spots.
MACULATUREmaculature n. (Dated) Blotting paper.
maculature n. (Figuratively) Paper waste; printed materials that may not be read, such as junk mail.
MACULATURE n. blotting paper.
MAIEUTICALmaieutical adj. (Rare) Alternative form of maieutic.
MAIEUTICAL adj. of or relating to the Socratic method of eliciting knowledge by a series of questions and answers, also MAIEUTIC.
MATRICULARMATRICULAR adj. relating to a register.
MATRICULASmatriculas n. Plural of matricula.
MATRICULA n. (Latin) a register of members, students etc.
TULARAEMICtularaemic adj. Alternative form of tularemic.
TULARAEMIC adj. relating to tularaemia, a disease of rodents caused by a bacterium, and transmissible to humans, also TULAREMIC.
ULTRAMAFICultramafic adj. (Geology) Describing igneous rocks that contain magnesium and iron and only a very small amount of silica…
ultramafic n. A rock with such properties.
ULTRAMAFIC adj. of rocks, very mafic.
UMBRATICALumbratical adj. Alternative form of umbratic.
UMBRATICAL adj. of or pertaining to the shade or darkness, also UMBRATIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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