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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, I, M, O and U

AMMONIACUMammoniacum n. Gum ammoniac, a resin exuded from the stem of the perennial herb Dorema ammoniacum.
AMMONIACUM n. gum ammoniac.
AUTOMATICSautomatics n. Plural of automatic.
AUTOMATIC n. an automatic gun.
CALAMITOUScalamitous adj. Concerning or involving calamity, disastrous.
CALAMITOUS adj. disastrous.
COLUMBARIAcolumbaria n. Plural of columbarium.
COLUMBARIUM n. (Latin) a vault with niches for storing urns; a dovecote or pigeon house.
MACULATIONmaculation n. (Obsolete) The act of spotting; a spot; a blemish.
maculation n. (Zoology, botany, chiefly uncountable) A pattern of spots.
MACULATION n. being covered in spots.
MARLACIOUSmarlacious adj. (Geology) Containing large quantities of marl.
MARLACIOUS adj. containing marl.
MICROFAUNAmicrofauna n. The smallest of the faunal size divisions, including mainly microorganisms but also sometimes applied…
MICROFAUNA n. very small animals.
MUSCATORIAmuscatoria n. Plural of muscatorium.
MUSCATORIUM n. (Latin) a flabellum, a fan; esp. the fan carried before the pope on state occasions, made in ostrich and peacock feathers.
OCEANARIUMoceanarium n. A park where visitors can see marine mammals and/or fish.
OCEANARIUM n. an enclosed part of the sea in which dolphins, porpoises etc. are kept for display.
RAMPACIOUSrampacious adj. High-spirited.
rampacious adj. Rampageous.
RAMPACIOUS adj. (Dickens) turbulent, unruly, also RAMPAGEOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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