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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, H, I, O and T

ACHROMATICachromatic adj. (Optics) Free from color; transmitting light without color-related distortion.
achromatic adj. Containing components such as achromatic lenses and prisms, designed to prevent color-related distortion.
achromatic adj. (Biology) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue.
ACHROMATINachromatin n. (Biology) Tissue that is not stained by fluid dyes.
ACHROMATIN n. tissue which is not stained by fluid dyes.
ALLOPATHICallopathic adj. Of or pertaining to allopathy.
ALLOPATHIC adj. of or pertaining to allopathy.
ANTHRACOIDanthracoid adj. (Biology) Resembling anthrax.
ANTHRACOID adj. resembling anthrax; resembling carbon, coal or charcoal.
APOTHECIALapothecial adj. (Lichenology) Relating to the apothecium.
APOTHECIAL adj. relating to an apothecium, an open cup- or disc-shaped fruiting body borne by many lichens.
BRACHIATORbrachiator n. Any creature that moves by means of brachiation.
BRACHIATOR n. an animal, such as a gibbon, that progresses by brachiation.
CATAPHONICcataphonic adj. Of or relating to cataphonics; catacoustic.
CATAPHONIC adj. of or relating to cataphonics, the area of the science of acoustics that deals with echoes or reflected sounds.
CATAPHORICcataphoric adj. Of or relating to cataphora.
CATAPHORIC adj. relating to a cataphora, a rhetorical term.
CHIPOLATASchipolatas n. Plural of chipolata.
CHIPOLATA n. a small, often spicy sausage.
COHABITANTcohabitant n. A person who cohabits with another.
COHABITANT n. one who dwells with another, or in the same place or country.
HAYCATIONShaycations n. Plural of haycation.
HAYCATION n. a working holiday at a farm or similar business.
MACCHIATOSmacchiatos n. Plural of macchiato.
MACCHIATO n. (Italian) espresso coffee served with a dash of hot or cold milk.
MACHINATORmachinator n. One who machinates, or forms a scheme with evil designs; a plotter or artful schemer.
MACHINATOR n. one who machinates; a plotter.
THEOMANIACtheomaniac n. A person who exhibits theomania.
THEOMANIAC n. one suffering from theomania, the belief that one is a god.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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