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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, G, M, R and T

CARTOGRAMScartograms n. Plural of cartogram.
CARTOGRAM n. a map with diagrammatic statistical information.
MACERATINGmacerating v. Present participle of macerate.
MACERATE v. to soften by soaking.
MAGISTRACYmagistracy n. The dignity or office of a magistrate.
magistracy n. The collective body of magistrates.
MAGISTRACY n. the office or dignity of a magistrate.
MARGARITICmargaritic adj. (Organic chemistry) Relating to margaritic acid of its derivatives.
MARGARITIC adj. pearl-like, also MARGARIC.
MORGANATICmorganatic adj. Designating a marriage (or the wife involved) between a man of higher rank and a woman of lower rank…
MORGANATIC adj. relating to a marriage between people of unequal rank, the marriage being valid, the children legitimate, but unable to inherit the higher rank.
PRAGMATICSpragmatics n. Plural of pragmatic.
pragmatics n. (Linguistics, translation studies) The study of the use of language in a social context.
PRAGMATICS n. the study of inherent practical usage, and social and behavioural aspects, of language.
RAGMATICALragmatical adj. (Obsolete) Wild or riotous.
RAGMATICAL adj. riotous, disorderly.
TACHOGRAMStachograms n. Plural of tachogram.
TACHOGRAM n. a record made by a tachograph, an instrument for recording speed of rotation.
TARMACKINGtarmacking v. Present participle of tarmac.
TARMAC v. to surface with tarmacadam.
TERMAGANCYtermagancy n. The quality or state of being termagant; turbulence; tumultuousness.
TERMAGANCY n. the state of being a termagant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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