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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, G, L, M and O

ACROMEGALYacromegaly n. (Pathology) A chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones of the extremities, face, and jaw that…
ACROMEGALY n. a glandular disorder causing gigantism of extremities.
CAMOUFLAGEcamouflage n. A disguise or covering up.
camouflage n. The act of disguising.
camouflage n. (Military) The use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects, or tactical positions with…
CARMAGNOLEcarmagnole n. (Historical) A popular Red Republican song and dance, of the time of the first French Revolution.
carmagnole n. (Clothing, historical) A short jacket, fashionable during the French Revolution, with short skirts…
carmagnole n. (Archaic) A bombastic report from the French armies.
CLADOGRAMScladograms n. Plural of cladogram.
CLADOGRAM n. a branching diagram showing the development of a clade.
DOGMATICALdogmatical adj. Alternative form of dogmatic.
DOGMATICAL adj. pertaining to a dogma, or to an established and authorized doctrine or tenet, also DOGMATIC.
GUACAMOLESguacamoles n. Plural of guacamole.
GUACAMOLE n. (Nahuatl) a kind of dip, also GUACHAMOLE.
GUACHAMOLEGUACHAMOLE n. (Nahuatl) a kind of dip, also GUACAMOLE.
MACROGLIASMACROGLIA n. one of the two types of non-nervous tissue found in the central nervous system.
MALACOLOGYmalacology n. (Zoology) The study of molluscs.
MALACOLOGY n. the study of molluscs.
MISCATALOGmiscatalog v. (Transitive) catalog incorrectly.
MISCATALOG v. to catalog wrongly.
SCALOGRAMSscalograms n. Plural of scalogram.
SCALOGRAM n. an arrangement of items, as problems in a test or features of speech, such that the presence or accomplishment at one level implies the presence or ability to accomplish all lower levels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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