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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, E, G, M and R

ACROMEGALYacromegaly n. (Pathology) A chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones of the extremities, face, and jaw that…
ACROMEGALY n. a glandular disorder causing gigantism of extremities.
ARCHIMAGESarchimages n. Plural of archimage.
ARCHIMAGE n. a great magician.
CABLEGRAMScablegrams n. Plural of cablegram.
CABLEGRAM n. a message sent by a submarine telegraphic cable.
CAMPAIGNERcampaigner n. A person who has served in a military campaign.
campaigner n. (By extension) A military veteran.
campaigner n. A person who campaigns for a person running for political office or works, or supports, in an organised…
CARMAGNOLEcarmagnole n. (Historical) A popular Red Republican song and dance, of the time of the first French Revolution.
carmagnole n. (Clothing, historical) A short jacket, fashionable during the French Revolution, with short skirts…
carmagnole n. (Archaic) A bombastic report from the French armies.
COMANAGERScomanagers n. Plural of comanager.
co-managers n. Plural of co-manager.
COMANAGER n. one who shares a managerial role with another.
DECAGRAMMEdecagramme n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of decagram.
DECAGRAMME n. a weight of the metric system; ten grams, also DECAGRAM, DEKAGRAM.
ERGOMANIACergomaniac n. A person who is obsessed with working hard.
ERGOMANIAC n. one who suffers from ergomania, excessive desire to work.
GAMARUCHEDGAMARUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMAHUCHE.
GAMARUCHESGAMARUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMAHUCHE.
MACERATINGmacerating v. Present participle of macerate.
MACERATE v. to soften by soaking.
MACROPHAGEmacrophage n. (Immunology, cytology) A white blood cell that phagocytizes necrotic cell debris and foreign material…
MACROPHAGE n. any of the large phagocytic cells situated in the walls of blood vessels.
MEGAPARSECmegaparsec n. (Astronomy) A unit of distance equal to a million parsecs.
MEGAPARSEC n. a measure of astronomical distance, a million parsecs.
TERMAGANCYtermagancy n. The quality or state of being termagant; turbulence; tumultuousness.
TERMAGANCY n. the state of being a termagant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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