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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, E, G, H and S

ANCHORAGESanchorages n. Plural of anchorage.
ANCHORAGE n. a place where a ship can anchor.
ARCHANGELSarchangels n. Plural of archangel.
ARCHANGEL n. a top-ranking angel.
ARCHIMAGESarchimages n. Plural of archimage.
ARCHIMAGE n. a great magician.
CASINGHEADCASINGHEAD n. in mineral extraction, the part of a well that is above the surface.
CHAMPAGNESchampagnes n. Plural of champagne.
Champagnes n. Plural of Champagne. (Alternative letter-case form of champagnes.)
CHAMPAGNE n. a posh sort of wine.
CHEATGRASScheatgrass n. Bromus tectorum, drooping brome, native to Europe, thought to create an ecology prone to annual fires…
cheat␣grass n. Downy brome; drooping brome (Bromus tectorum); an annual grass native to Europe, southwestern Asia and…
ESCHEATAGEescheatage n. The right of succeeding to an escheat.
ESCHEATAGE n. the right of succeeding to an escheat.
GAMAHUCHESGAMAHUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMARUCHE.
GAMARUCHESGAMARUCHE v. to practise cunnilingus or fellatio, also GAMAHUCHE.
GUACHAROESguacharoes n. Plural of guacharo.
GUACHARO n. (Spanish) a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka oilbird.
PHASCOGALEphascogale n. Any of several Australian dasyurid marsupials, of the genus Phascogale, the males of which die shortly after mating.
Phascogale prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Dasyuridae – phascogales.
PHASCOGALE n. a small insectivorous mouselike marsupial of the family Dasyuridae, native to Australia and New Guinea.
SEACHANGERseachanger n. (Australia) One who moves to a location in proximity to the ocean, for whom such a move is an extreme…
SEACHANGER n. a person who moves from a city to a coastal area in order to pursue a more relaxed lifestyle.
STAGECOACHstagecoach n. Alternative spelling of stage-coach.
stagecoach v. Alternative spelling of stage-coach.
Stagecoach prop.n. A census-designated place in Lyon County, Nevada, United States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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