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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, D, H, O and R

ANTHRACOIDanthracoid adj. (Biology) Resembling anthrax.
ANTHRACOID adj. resembling anthrax; resembling carbon, coal or charcoal.
APPROACHEDapproached v. Simple past tense and past participle of approach.
APPROACH v. to come near to.
ARACHNOIDSarachnoids n. Plural of arachnoid.
ARACHNOID n. the arachnoid membrane, a fine delicate membrane which is the middle of the three meninges enveloping the brain and spinal cord.
ARCHDEACONarchdeacon n. (Anglicanism, Eastern Orthodoxy) A senior administrative official in a diocese, just under the bishop…
ARCHDEACON n. a clergyman having the duty of assisting a diocesan bishop in ceremonial functions or administrative work.
CARDOPHAGICARDOPHAGUS n. (obsolete) a donkey; something that eats thistles.
CHALKBOARDchalkboard n. A slate or enamel board for writing on with chalk; a predecessor to a whiteboard.
chalkboard v. To write or draw on a chalkboard.
CHALKBOARD n. a blackboard.
CHARCOALEDcharcoaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of charcoal.
charcoaled adj. Cooked over charcoal.
CHARCOAL v. to draw or blacken with charcoal.
CHARDONNAYchardonnay n. Alternative letter-case form of Chardonnay.
Chardonnay n. (Countable) A green-skinned grape variety used to make a white wine.
Chardonnay n. (Uncountable) A variety of wine made from this grape.
ICOSAHEDRAicosahedra n. Plural of icosahedron.
ICOSAHEDRON n. a polyhedron having 20 faces.
MATCHBOARDmatchboard n. (Carpentry) A type of wooden board that connects with others using a tongue and groove system.
matchboard n. (Sand casting) A thin piece of material (such as wood, plaster, or metal) that forms and aligns the…
MATCHBOARD n. one of a number of boards with a tongue cut along one edge and a groove in the opposite edge, fitted one into the next to make a wall-facing, etc.
OCTAHEDRALoctahedral adj. Having eight plane surfaces; thus, in the shape or form of an octahedron.
octahedral adj. Of, or pertaining to octahedra.
OCTAHEDRAL adj. having eight faces or sides.
ORCHARDMANorchardman n. A man who owns or tends an orchard.
ORCHARDMAN n. one who grows and sells orchard fruits.
PATCHBOARDpatchboard n. A component of a manual telephone switchboard, or of various early data processing equipment, in which…
PATCHBOARD n. a panel with multiple electrical terminals.
SACCHAROIDsaccharoid adj. (Mineralogy) Having a texture like granulated sugar.
saccharoid n. (Biochemistry) A polysaccharide that resembles a sugar, often insoluble and not sweet.
SACCHAROID adj. like loaf sugar in texture, also SACCHAROIDAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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