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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2C, N, R and T

ACCELERANTaccelerant n. (Chemistry) Any substance that can bond or mix with, or disturb, another substance and cause an increase…
accelerant n. (Figurative) Something that speeds up a process or the uptake of something else.
accelerant adj. Causing acceleration or speeding up; accelerating.
ANACRUSTICanacrustic adj. Exhibiting or relating to anacrusis.
ANACRUSTIC adj. relating to anacrusis.
ANTICANCERanticancer adj. (Medicine) That is used to treat cancer.
anti-cancer adj. Alternative form of anticancer.
ANTICANCER adj. of a drug, designed to prevent cancer.
BACITRACINbacitracin n. (Pharmacology) A nonprescription polypeptide antibiotic isolated from a bacillus (Bacillus subtilis…
BACITRACIN n. an antibiotic used for treating bacterial skin infections.
CANCERATEDcancerated v. Simple past tense and past participle of cancerate.
CANCERATE v. to grow into a cancer; to become cancerous.
CANCERATEScancerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cancerate.
CANCERATE v. to grow into a cancer; to become cancerous.
CANTATRICEcantatrice n. A professional female singer.
CANTATRICE n. (Italian) a female singer.
CANTATRICIcantatrici n. Plural of cantatrice.
CANTATRICE n. (Italian) a female singer.
CARTOMANCYcartomancy n. Fortune-telling using cards, as in tarot and Lenormand.
CARTOMANCY n. divination by the use of playing cards.
CRUSTACEANcrustacean n. Any arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea, including lobsters, crabs, shrimp, barnacles and woodlice.
CRUSTACEAN n. a member of the crustacea, a large class of arthropod animals with hard shells.
INACCURATEinaccurate adj. Mistaken or incorrect; not accurate.
INACCURATE adj. not accurate.
PANCREATICpancreatic adj. Of or pertaining to the pancreas.
PANCREATIC adj. of or pertaining to the pancreas.
PRACTICIANpractician n. A practitioner; someone who practises a particular profession, especially medicine.
PRACTICIAN n. a practiser or practitioner.
REACTANCESreactances n. Plural of reactance.
REACTANCE n. the component of impedance due to inductance or capacitance.
SACROSANCTsacrosanct adj. Beyond alteration, criticism, or interference, especially due to religious sanction; inviolable.
sacrosanct adj. Sacred, very holy.
SACROSANCT adj. sacred; inviolable.
VACCINATORvaccinator n. A person or agent that administers vaccines.
VACCINATOR n. one who vaccinates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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