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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2C, I, S and U

ACALCULIASACALCULIA n. an inability to do simple mathematical calculations, also DYSCALCULIA.
ACCURACIESaccuracies n. Plural of accuracy.
ACCURACY n. exactness.
ACCUSATIONaccusation n. The act of accusing.
accusation n. (Law) A formal charge brought against a person in a court of law.
accusation n. An allegation.
ACCUSATIVEaccusative adj. Producing accusations; in a manner that reflects a finding of fault or blame.
accusative adj. (Grammar) Applied to the case (as the fourth case of Latin, Lithuanian and Greek nouns) which expresses…
accusative n. (Grammar) The accusative case.
ACINACEOUSacinaceous adj. (Botany) Containing seeds or stones of grapes, or grains like them.
ACINACEOUS adj. full of kernels.
ACOUSTICALacoustical adj. Of or pertaining to hearing or acoustics.
ACOUSTICAL adj. relating to the science of sound, also ACOUSTIC.
ANACOUSTICanacoustic adj. Anechoic, soundless.
anacoustic adj. (Physics) Describing the upper reaches of the atmosphere, and of space, in which the concentration of…
ANACOUSTIC adj. unable to support the propagation of sound; soundless.
ANACRUSTICanacrustic adj. Exhibiting or relating to anacrusis.
ANACRUSTIC adj. relating to anacrusis.
CACUMINALScacuminals n. Plural of cacuminal.
CACUMINAL n. a sound so produced.
DIACAUSTICdiacaustic adj. Relating to the caustic curves formed by the refraction of light.
diacaustic n. A refracting lens, which can be used to cauterise.
diacaustic n. The curve or surface formed by the intersection of refracted light rays.
FASCICULARfascicular adj. Of or pertaining to a fascicle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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