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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2C, E, N and O

ACANACEOUSacanaceous adj. (Very rare) Bearing prickles or thistles; prickly.
ACANACEOUS adj. bearing prickles or thorns.
ACCORDANCEaccordance n. Agreement; harmony; conformity; compliance.
accordance n. The act of granting something.
ACCORDANCE n. agreement, also ACCORDANCY.
ACINACEOUSacinaceous adj. (Botany) Containing seeds or stones of grapes, or grains like them.
ACINACEOUS adj. full of kernels.
ARCHDEACONarchdeacon n. (Anglicanism, Eastern Orthodoxy) A senior administrative official in a diocese, just under the bishop…
ARCHDEACON n. a clergyman having the duty of assisting a diocesan bishop in ceremonial functions or administrative work.
CACODAEMONcacodaemon n. A wicked or malevolent spirit as opposed to agathodemon (a good spirit).
cacodaemon n. Twelfth astrological House, from which only evil prognostics are alleged to proceed. (Can we add an…
cacodaemon n. (Obsolete) A nightmare.
CANONICATEcanonicate n. The office of a canon; a canonry.
CANONICATE n. the rank or office of a canon.
CATENACCIOcatenaccio n. (Soccer) A system of defensive play focused on nullifying opponents’ attacks and preventing goal-scoring…
CATENACCIO n. (Italian) a defensive system of play in football.
CHATOYANCEchatoyance n. Chatoyancy.
CHATOYANCE n. the quality of being chatoyant, having a changing lustre, also CHATOYANCY.
CLADOCERANcladoceran n. Any of the small crustaceans of the order Cladocera.
CLADOCERAN n. a small crustacean, aka water flea.
CLOACALINEcloacaline adj. Synonym of cloacal.
CLOACALINE adj. relating to the cloaca, also CLOACAL, CLOACINAL.
COADJACENTcoadjacent adj. Mutually adjacent; contiguous.
COADJACENT n. something that is adjacent to another thing in experience or thought.
COELACANTHcoelacanth n. Either of two species of deep-water fish, Latimeria chalumnae of the Indian Ocean and Latimeria menadoensis…
coelacanth n. Any lobe-finned fish in the order Coelacanthiformes, thought until 1938 to have been extinct for 70 million years.
cœlacanth n. Obsolete form of coelacanth.
COVARIANCEcovariance n. (Statistics) A statistical measure defined as 𝐂𝐨𝐯(𝑋,𝑌)=𝐄((𝑋−μ)(𝑌−ν)) given two real-valued random variables…
covariance n. (Object-oriented programming) The conversion of data types from wider to narrower in certain situations.
COVARIANCE n. the property of varying concomitantly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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