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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, R, S and 2T

ABSTRACTEDabstracted adj. Separated or disconnected; withdrawn; removed; apart.
abstracted adj. (Now rare) Separated from matter; abstract; ideal, not concrete.
abstracted adj. (Now rare) Abstract; abstruse; difficult.
ABSTRACTERabstracter n. One who abstracts, or makes an abstract, as in records or documents.
abstracter n. Someone that finds and summarizes information for legal or insurance work.
abstracter n. An accounting clerk who records payroll deductions.
ABSTRACTLYabstractly adv. In an abstract way or manner.
abstractly adv. Separately; absolutely.
ABSTRACT adv. difficult to understand.
ABSTRACTORabstractor n. Alternative form of abstracter.
abstractor n. (Dated, historical, UK) A clerk of a certain title or grade in the British civil service.
ABSTRACTOR n. one who abstracts, also ABSTRACTER.
ARBITRATESarbitrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arbitrate.
ARBITRATE v. to judge as arbiter or arbitrator.
BAITCASTERbaitcaster n. (Fishing) A baitcasting reel.
BATHWATERSbathwaters n. Plural of bathwater.
bath␣waters n. Plural of bath water.
BATHWATER n. the water in a bath.
BRACTEATESbracteates n. Plural of bracteate.
BRACTEATE n. thin beaten plate of gold or silver.
BRITTANIASBRITTANIA n. an alloy of tin and antimony with a low melting point, also BRITANNIA.
HEARTBEATSheartbeats n. Plural of heartbeat.
heart␣beats n. Plural of heart beat.
HEARTBEAT n. a pulsation of the heart.
MASTURBATEmasturbate v. (Intransitive) To stimulate oneself sexually, especially by use of one’s hand or a sex toy made for…
masturbate v. (Transitive, colloquial) To stimulate someone else sexually without penetration of the penis.
masturbate v. (Informal, derogatory) To stimulate or please oneself by means of anything, not necessarily sexual…
RABATMENTSrabatments n. Plural of rabatment.
RABATMENT n. rotation into coincidence with another plane.
RABATTINGSRABATTING n. rotation in coincidence with another plane.
RATTLEBAGSrattlebags n. Plural of rattlebag.
RATTLEBAG n. a rattle or rattling apparatus; a person who causes a commotion.
RIBATTUTASribattutas n. Plural of ribattuta.
RIBATTUTA n. (Italian) the slow beginning of a trill.
SUBSTRATALsubstratal adj. Of or pertaining to a substratum.
substratal adj. (Linguistics) Specifically, pertaining to a substrate language.
SUBSTRATAL adj. relating to a substrate.
TABLATUREStablatures n. Plural of tablature.
TABLATURE n. an old notation for lute music etc.
TABULATORStabulators n. Plural of tabulator.
TABULATOR n. one who tabulates.
TETRABASICtetrabasic adj. (Chemistry, of an acid) containing four replaceable hydrogen atoms.
tetrabasic adj. (Chemistry, of a salt) having four atoms of a univalent metal.
TETRABASIC adj. of acids, having four replaceable hydrogen atoms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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