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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, M, S and 2T

ABATEMENTSabatements n. Plural of abatement.
ABATEMENT n. a diminution; a mark of dishonour added to heraldic arms.
BLASTEMATAblastemata n. Plural of blastema.
BLASTEMA n. the protoplasmic part of an ovum, distinguished from the yolk.
BLASTOMATAblastomata n. Plural of blastoma.
BLASTOMA n. a type of tumour.
COMBATANTScombatants n. Plural of combatant.
COMBATANT n. one engaged in combat.
MASTURBATEmasturbate v. (Intransitive) To stimulate oneself sexually, especially by use of one’s hand or a sex toy made for…
masturbate v. (Transitive, colloquial) To stimulate someone else sexually without penetration of the penis.
masturbate v. (Informal, derogatory) To stimulate or please oneself by means of anything, not necessarily sexual…
METASTABLEmetastable adj. (Physics, chemistry) Of or pertaining to a physical or chemical state that is relatively long-lived…
metastable n. A particle, etc. in the metastable state.
METASTABLE adj. chemically stable.
METASTABLYmetastably adv. In a metastable way.
METASTABLE adv. chemically stable.
RABATMENTSrabatments n. Plural of rabatment.
RABATMENT n. rotation into coincidence with another plane.
STABLEMATEstablemate n. One (such as a racehorse) from the same stable.
stablemate n. One from the same organization or background.
STABLEMATE n. a horse from the same stable as another.
STEAMBOATSsteamboats adj. (UK, Ireland, slang) Drunk; intoxicated.
steamboats n. Plural of steamboat.
steam-boats n. Plural of steam-boat.
TABLEMATEStablemates n. Plural of tablemate.
TABLEMATE n. one who shares a table.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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