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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, L, S, T and U

ADJUSTABLEadjustable adj. Capable of being adjusted.
adjustable n. Anything that can be adjusted.
ADJUSTABLE adj. that can be adjusted.
ADJUSTABLYadjustably adv. In a way that is adjustable.
ADJUSTABLE adv. that can be adjusted.
AMBULATORSambulators n. Plural of ambulator.
AMBULATOR n. one who walks about; a walker.
ARCUBALISTarcubalist n. A crossbow.
ARCUBALIST n. a crossbow.
BALUSTRADEbalustrade n. A row of balusters topped by a rail, serving as an open parapet, as along the edge of a balcony, terrace…
BALUSTRADE n. a row of columns supporting a stair rail.
BATTAILOUSbattailous adj. (Obsolete) Warlike, battle-ready.
BATTAILOUS adj. (Spenser) warlike.
FABULATORSfabulators n. Plural of fabulator.
FABULATOR n. one who fabulates.
PASTURABLEpasturable adj. Fit for pasture.
PASTURABLE adj. fit for pasture.
SALBUTAMOLsalbutamol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic beta-agonist bronchodilator related to aspirin, administered in the form…
SALBUTAMOL n. a bronchodilator drug.
STATUTABLEstatutable adj. In conformity to statutes regarding size, quality etc.
statutable adj. Made or introduced by statute; proceeding from an act of legislature.
statutable adj. Describing a crime or offence regulated by statute; legally punishable.
STATUTABLYstatutably adv. In a way that conforms to statute.
STATUTABLE adv. made or introduced by statute.
SUBNATURALsubnatural adj. (Physics) Describing spectroscopic lines that are narrower than those produced naturally.
subnatural adj. Below or beneath nature.
SUBNATURAL adj. almost natural.
SUBSTRATALsubstratal adj. Of or pertaining to a substratum.
substratal adj. (Linguistics) Specifically, pertaining to a substrate language.
SUBSTRATAL adj. relating to a substrate.
TABLATUREStablatures n. Plural of tablature.
TABLATURE n. an old notation for lute music etc.
TABULARISEtabularise v. Alternative form of tabularize.
TABULARISE v. to tabulate, also TABULARIZE.
TABULATORStabulators n. Plural of tabulator.
TABULATOR n. one who tabulates.
TRABECULAStrabeculas n. Plural of trabecula.
TRABECULA n. (Latin) a rodlike structure running across a cavity and giving it internal support.
ULTRABASICultrabasic adj. (Geology) ultramafic.
ultrabasic n. (Geology) ultramafic.
ULTRABASIC adj. very poor in silica.
UNSATIABLEunsatiable adj. Obsolete form of insatiable.
UNSATIABLE adj. insatiable.
WALKABOUTSwalkabouts n. Plural of walkabout.
WALKABOUT n. (Australian) a period of wandering in the bush by an Australian Aborigine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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