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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, I, M, N and S

ABDOMINALSabdominals n. Plural of abdominal.
ABDOMINAL n. an abdominal muscle.
ABOMINATESabominates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abominate.
ABOMINATE v. to loathe.
ALABAMINESALABAMINE n. an alternative name for the element astatine.
AMPHIBIANSamphibians n. Plural of amphibian.
AMPHIBIAN n. any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Amphibia, typically living on land but breeding in water, that includes newts and salamanders, frogs and toads, and caecilians.
ANABAPTISMAnabaptism n. The doctrine espoused by Anabaptists.
ANABAPTISM n. the doctrine of the Anabaptists.
ANABOLISMSanabolisms n. Plural of anabolism.
ANABOLISM n. the constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished from katabolism.
BAISEMAINSbaisemains n. (Obsolete) respects; compliments.
BAISEMAIN n. (French) a kiss on the hand.
BONAMIASESBONAMIASIS n. a fatal disease of oysters.
BONAMIASISBONAMIASIS n. a fatal disease of oysters.
BRAHMANISMBrahmanism prop.n. The principles and religious practice of the Brahmins, aspects of Hinduism as practiced by the Brahmin caste of India.
Brahmanism prop.n. Historical Vedic ritualism, contrasted with Shramana traditions.
Brahmanism prop.n. The conduct or attitudes ascribed to the social or cultural elite within a given society.
BRAHMANISTBrahmanist n. An adherent of the religion of the Brahmans.
BRAHMANIST n. a practitioner of brahmanism, also BRAHMINIST.
BRUGMANSIAbrugmansia n. A flowering plant of the genus Brugmansia, native to subtropical regions of South America.
Brugmansia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – seven species of flowering plants, native to subtropical…
BRUGMANSIA n. any of a genus of woody shrubs or trees with pendulous flowers.
CABINMATEScabinmates n. Plural of cabinmate.
CABINMATE n. one who shares a cabin.
COBALAMINScobalamins n. Plural of cobalamin.
COBALAMIN n. a complex molecule containing cobalt that is a constituent of vitamin B12.
IMBALANCESimbalances n. Plural of imbalance.
IMBALANCE n. lack of balance.
LAMBASTINGlambasting v. Present participle of lambast.
lambasting v. Present participle of lambaste.
lambasting n. A harsh reprimand.
LAMEBRAINSlamebrains n. Plural of lamebrain.
lame-brains n. Plural of lame-brain.
lame␣brains n. Plural of lame brain.
MAINBRACESmainbraces n. Plural of mainbrace.
MAINBRACE n. the brace attached to the mainyard.
MISBALANCEmisbalance v. To balance badly or wrongly.
misbalance n. The state of being balanced badly or wrongly.
MISBALANCE v. to balance mistakenly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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