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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, I, 2L and T

ABLATIVELYablatively adv. In an ablative manner.
ABLATIVE adv. indicating direction from or time when.
BALIBUNTALbalibuntal n. A fine, woven straw used for making hats.
balibuntal n. A straw hat made from this material.
BALIBUNTAL n. (Tagalog) fine, closely-woven straw; a hat made of this.
BALLADISTSballadists n. Plural of balladist.
BALLADIST n. one who composes ballads.
BALLANTINGBALLANT v. to make ballads about, also BALLAD, BALLAT, BALLET.
BALLASTINGballasting v. Present participle of ballast.
ballasting n. That which is used for steadying anything; ballast.
ballasting n. The application of ballast to a railway line.
BLACKTAILSblacktails n. Plural of blacktail.
BLACKTAIL n. a small fish, aka ruff or pope.
HABITUALLYhabitually adv. By habit; in a habitual manner.
habitually adv. Occurring regularly or usually.
HABITUAL adv. according to habit.
INFLATABLEinflatable adj. Able to be inflated or blown up.
inflatable n. (Nautical) A boat or dinghy that may be inflated when needed.
inflatable n. Any other structure, artwork etc. that is inflated.
ISOLATABLEISOLATABLE adj. that can be isolated.
LIBATIONALlibational adj. Relating to a libation.
LIBATIONAL adj. relating to or having libation.
OBLATIONALoblational adj. Of or pertaining to oblation; oblatory.
OBLATIONAL adj. relating to oblation, the act of offering.
PAINTBALLSpaintballs n. Plural of paintball.
paintballs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of paintball.
PAINTBALL n. a type of war game where the ammunition used is paint fired from compressed-air guns.
SALABILITYsalability n. The extent to which something can easily be sold.
SALABILITY n. the quality of being salable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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