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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, E, N, R and U

ANAEROBIUMANAEROBIUM n. an organism not requiring oxygen for its life processes, also ANAEROBE, ANAEROBIONT.
INARGUABLEinarguable adj. Not arguable; certain, incontestable or incontrovertible.
INARGUABLE adj. that cannot be disputed.
SUBMANAGERsubmanager n. A manager who is subordinate to another manager.
SUBMANAGER n. an under-manager.
UNARGUABLEunarguable adj. Not arguable; that cannot be reasonably argued against.
unarguable n. Such a situation.
UNARGUABLE adj. that cannot be disputed.
UNBEARABLEunbearable adj. So unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable.
UNBEARABLE adj. that cannot be borne.
UNBEARABLYunbearably adv. In an unbearable manner, not bearably, in a way unable to be borne.
UNBEARABLE adv. that cannot be borne.
UNERASABLEunerasable adj. That cannot be erased; indelible.
UNERASABLE adj. that cannot be erased.
UNREADABLEunreadable adj. That cannot be read or is not easy to read.
unreadable adj. Not sufficiently interesting to be worth reading.
unreadable adj. Not able to be read—i.e. accessed or played—by some technical device.
UNREADABLYunreadably adv. In an unreadable way.
UNREADABLE adv. that cannot be read.
UNTEARABLEuntearable adj. Not tearable; that cannot be torn.
UNTEARABLE adj. not tearable.
UNTRADABLEuntradable adj. Impossible to trade.
UNVARIABLEunvariable adj. (Obsolete) Invariable.
UNVARIABLE adj. that cannot be varied, also INVARIABLE.
UNWEARABLEunwearable adj. Not able to be worn.
unwearable n. Something, such as clothing, that cannot be worn.
UNWEARABLE n. something that is not wearable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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