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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, E, I and 2N

ABNEGATINGabnegating v. Present participle of abnegate.
ABNEGATE v. to renounce or repudiate.
ABNEGATIONabnegation n. A denial; a renunciation; denial of desire or self-interest.
ABNEGATION n. an act of abnegating.
ALABANDINEALABANDINE n. a deep red garnet consisting of an iron aluminum silicate, also ALMANDINE, ALMANDITE, ALMONDITE.
BALNEATIONbalneation n. (Formal) The act of bathing.
balneation n. The administration of public baths.
BALNEATION n. the act of bathing.
BARKANTINEbarkantine n. (Sailing) Alternative spelling of barquentine.
BARKANTINE n. a three-masted vessel, with the foremast square-rigged, and the mainmast and mizzenmast fore-and-aft-rigged, also BARKENTINE, BARQUANTINE, BARQUENTINE.
BETACYANINbetacyanin n. Any of the betalain pigments which appear reddish to violet, found in beets, chard, and Amaranthus tricolor.
BETACYANIN n. any one of a group of red nitrogenous pigments found in certain plants, such as beetroot.
BIANNULATEbiannulate adj. (Biology) Having two rings.
BIANNULATE adj. having two bands, esp. of colour.
CANNABISEScannabises n. Plural of cannabis.
CANNABIS n. hemp; a narcotic drug obtained from hemp.
GABAPENTINgabapentin n. (Pharmacology) An anticonvulsant drug C9H17NO2 structurally related to gamma-aminobutyric acid that…
GABAPENTIN n. an antiepileptic drug.
GABIONNADEgabionnade n. Alternative form of gabionade.
GABIONNADE n. a traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire, also GABIONADE.
INTERABANGinterabang n. Alternative spelling of interrobang.
INTERABANG n. a punctuation mark (?!) designed for use esp. at the end of an exclamatory rhetorical question, also INTERROBANG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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