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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, E, I, L and P

ALPHABETICalphabetic adj. Of or relating to an alphabet, especially the characters A to Z, both uppercase and lowercase.
ALPHABETIC adj. arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet, also ALPHABETICAL.
APPLICABLEapplicable adj. Suitable for application, relevant.
APPLICABLE adj. that can be applied, also APPLIABLE.
BIPARENTALbiparental adj. Having two parents.
BIPARENTAL adj. relating to or derived from two parents.
BIPARIETALbiparietal adj. (Anatomy) Between the two parietal bones.
BIPARIETAL adj. relating to or connected to both parietal bones.
CAPSIZABLEcapsizable adj. Capable of being capsized.
CAPSIZABLE adj. that can be capsized.
IMPAIRABLEimpairable adj. Able to be impaired.
IMPAIRABLE adj. that can be impaired.
IMPALPABLEimpalpable adj. Not able to be perceived by the senses (especially by touch); intangible or insubstantial; not easily…
IMPALPABLE adj. not perceivable by touch.
IMPARTABLEimpartable adj. Capable of being imparted.
IMPARTABLE adj. that can be imparted.
IMPASSABLEimpassable adj. (Of a route, terrain, etc.) Incapable of being passed over, crossed, or negotiated.
impassable adj. (Of an obstacle) Incapable of being overcome or surmounted.
impassable adj. (Of currency) Not usable as legal tender.
IMPLACABLEimplacable adj. Not able to be placated or appeased.
implacable adj. Impossible to prevent or stop; inexorable, unrelenting, unstoppable.
implacable adj. Adamant; immovable.
INCAPABLESincapables n. Plural of incapable.
INCAPABLE n. one who is in incapable.
PACIFIABLEpacifiable adj. Capable of being pacified.
PACIFIABLE adj. capable of being pacified.
PARABOLISEparabolise v. Alternative form of parabolize.
PARABOLISE v. to set forth by parable; to treat as a parable, also PARABOLIZE.
PARABOLIZEparabolize v. (Intransitive) To speak in parables.
parabolize v. (Transitive) To make (a mirror etc) parabolic.
PARABOLIZE v. to set forth by parable; to treat as a parable, also PARABOLISE.
REPAIRABLErepairable adj. Able to be repaired.
REPAIRABLE adj. that can be repaired.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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