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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, 3E and R

AMERCEABLEamerceable adj. Liable to be amerced.
AMERCEABLE adj. liable to be amerced, also AMERCIABLE.
BAREHEADEDbareheaded adj. Having no covering on the head.
bareheaded adv. With no covering on the head.
bare-headed adj. Alternative form of bareheaded.
CASEBEARERcasebearer n. Any casebearing moth.
CASEBEARER n. an insect larva that forms a protective coat of silk.
EBRACTEATEebracteate adj. (Botany) Having no bracts.
EBRACTEATE adj. without bracts.
EXACERBATEexacerbate v. (Transitive) To make worse (A problem, bad situation, negative feeling, etc.); aggravate; exasperate.
EXACERBATE v. to make more violent, bitter, or severe.
MACEBEARERmacebearer n. Alternative spelling of mace-bearer.
mace-bearer n. Someone who carries a mace.
MACEBEARER n. one who carries a mace.
REBATEABLEREBATEABLE adj. that can be rebated, also REBATABLE.
RELEASABLEreleasable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, release.
RELEASABLE adj. that may be released.
REPEALABLErepealable adj. Capable of being repealed.
REPEALABLE adj. capable of being repealed.
REPEATABLErepeatable adj. Able to be repeated.
repeatable adj. (Sciences, of an experiment or procedure) That gives the same results when repeated.
REPEATABLE adj. that can be repeated.
REREADABLESorry, definition not available.
RESALEABLEresaleable adj. Alternative form of resalable.
RESALEABLE adj. that can be resold.
RESEALABLEresealable adj. Able to be resealed.
resealable n. A package or opening designed so that it can be resealed.
RESEALABLE adj. that can be resealed.
REVEALABLErevealable adj. Able to be revealed; capable of revealing.
REVEALABLE adj. capable of being revealed.
TALEBEARERtalebearer n. An indiscreet person who spreads gossip.
tale-bearer n. Alternative form of talebearer.
tale␣bearer n. Alternative form of talebearer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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