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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, D, E, L and O

ACCORDABLEaccordable adj. Able to be given or dispensed.
accordable adj. (Obsolete) Reconcilable; in accordance.
ACCORDABLE adj. agreeing.
ADSORBABLEadsorbable adj. (Chemistry) Able to be adsorbed.
ADSORBABLE adj. that can be adsorbed.
AFFORDABLEaffordable adj. Able to be afforded; inexpensive or reasonably priced.
AFFORDABLE adj. that can be afforded.
BACKLOADEDbackloaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of backload.
BACKLOAD v. to load a lorry for a return journey.
BANDALORESbandalores n. Plural of bandalore.
BANDALORE n. (obsolete) an eighteenth century toy resembling a yo-yo.
BARDOLATERbardolater n. Alternative spelling of bardolator.
BARDOLATER n. a person who idolizes Shakespeare.
BELLADONNAbelladonna n. A plant, Atropa belladonna, having purple bell-shaped flowers and poisonous black glossy berries.
belladonna n. An alkaloid extracted from this plant, sometimes used medicinally, containing atropine.
Belladonna prop.n. (Uncommon) A female given name.
BROADSCALEbroadscale adj. On a broad scale; which is spread over a broad area.
BROADSCALE adj. broad in extent, range or effect.
CARAMBOLEDcaramboled v. Simple past tense and past participle of carambole.
CARAMBOLE v. (French) to make a cannon in billiards, also CAROM, CARROM.
CARBOLATEDcarbolated adj. Modified by the addition of carbolic acid.
CARBOLATED adj. containing carbolic acid.
DEALBATIONdealbation n. (Chemistry, archaic) The process or act of becoming or being made white, most commonly by bleaching; whitening.
DEALBATION n. whitening; bleaching.
ELABORATEDelaborated adj. (Rhetoric) expanded.
elaborated v. Simple past tense and past participle of elaborate.
ELABORATE v. to produce by labour.
HEBDOMADALhebdomadal adj. (Obsolete) Lasting seven days.
hebdomadal adj. Weekly, occurring once a week.
HEBDOMADAL adj. occurring, appearing, or done every seven days; weekly.
ORDAINABLEordainable adj. Capable of being ordained; worthy to be ordained or appointed.
ORDAINABLE adj. capable of being ordained.
PADDLEBOATpaddleboat n. (Nautical) A boat propelled by a paddle wheel.
paddleboat n. (Nautical, US, Canada, Australia) a pedalo.
paddle␣boat n. Alternative spelling of paddleboat.
PARDONABLEpardonable adj. Capable of being pardoned; worthy of pardon.
PARDONABLE adj. that can be pardoned.
PEDALBOATSpedalboats n. Plural of pedalboat.
PEDALBOAT n. a boat that is propelled by operating the pedals, usually one hired for pleasure.
RADIOLABELradiolabel v. To tag a substance (especially a biological substance) with a radioactive tracer.
radiolabel n. A radioactive tracer; a radiotracer.
RADIOLABEL n. a label on a radioactive substance.
RELOADABLEreloadable adj. That can be reloaded.
SCALEBOARDscaleboard n. (Obsolete, printing) A thin slip of wood used to justify a page.
scaleboard n. (Obsolete) A thin veneer or leaf of wood used for covering the surface of articles of furniture etc.
SCALEBOARD n. a very thin piece of board, used for backing a picture, as a veneer, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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